Talking Machine

Curly has officially moved out of Forest; I received his goodbye letter in the mail today.

Hoo-ha, Jeff, I'm moving. I have my reasons. No worries, yo! I'm sure you'll remember me fondly. Keep pumpin'! See ya! -From Curly

Big Top was talking about the points machine in Tom Nook’s shop. In particular, he was amazed that it talks. He even wondered who was inside of the machine! I guess Big Top really hasn’t been keeping up with technology.

Big Top: That huge machine in Tom Nook's shop talks! It talks!
Big Top: Who's the unlucky slob they stuck inside that thing, baconballs?
Maybe Curly is inside.

I found a note in a bottle on the beach, and it contained a word puzzle.

Word Puzzle. FISH. DISH. DISK. What comes next?
Umm… DICK?

It was almost 11:00 p.m. at this point, so I rushed to Nook’s shop to sell two bees I caught last time. They earned me a total of 9,000 bells, and Nook kicked me out right after the transaction.

Just outside of Crazy Redd’s tent, I ran into Bree. She told me about a girl in the town where she used to live. The girl had weeds in her yard and garbage everywhere. Bree implied that she might have done something to her, if she still lived in that town. She then stopped before getting into specifics, but she admitted that she’s so mean that she scares herself.

Bree: No, I can't say any more. Sometimes I'm so mean, I scare myself, cheeseball!
If it wasn’t clear already, Bree is definitely the town villain now.

Rosie was still sick, so I gave her some medicine once again.

It was snowing in town, so that saved me from having to water any flowers. That’s always helpful. Gaston compared the snow to a sea of vanilla ice cream. Mmm, sounds good.

Gaston: It's like a sea of vanilla ice cream out here, mon chou!

That’s all I have for now, but I’ll be posting a new episode of my ACWW video series on Youtube tomorrow! I hope you’re all having a good holiday season! See you next time. 🙂

Curly Clears Out

I found Curly with his belongings all packed up in boxes today. He’s moving out of town, and I decided not to stop him. He’s a cool pig, but he’s had a good run in Forest.

Curly: I hate good-byes! I wish I could crush them between my pecs, J-bot!

I figured it was time for me to wear a new look, so I went into Able Sisters and bought an orange tie-dye shirt and some goggles.

Mabel: Wow! You are looking really, really good!

Crazy Redd was in town, and he had an awesome painting for sale! I need that one still, so I bought it right away. Unfortunately, Blathers informed me that it was a fake. Ugh. That’s the second time this month I thought I was getting a new painting, but once again, it’s a forgery.

Blathers: I cannon exhibit a fake. It just cannot be done. I shudder at the thought!
If Mr. Bean can do it, so can you.

Rosie was sick with a cold, so I gave her some medicine. After gulping it down, she declared that she’s not fully recovered yet. Well, duh. Medicine doesn’t work instantly, Rosie. 😛

Rosie: Glugalugalugalug... Ooooh, I don't think I'm fully recovered yet, silly.

On the bulletin board, I saw a new “Talking to Myself” post about Pelly or Phyllis liking airplanes a lot when she was younger. She’d put slippers on her wings and fly. Wait, what? I don’t understand how having slippers on her wings would make her more like an airplane?

-Talking to Myself- When she was younger, my sister loved airplanes. She'd put slippers on her open wings and fly!

Jeremiah was talking about how to hold nets when catching bugs. He said that Margie holds a net in each hand… But more interestingly, he referred to Margie as a “he!” I know I’ve seen screenshots of Animal Crossing: New Leaf when villagers will occasionally give the wrong gender for another villager, but apparently this happens in Wild World as well.

Jeremiah: Margie said he holds one net in each hand.

Winter Time Again

Winter has arrived in the world of Animal Crossing, and snow now covers the grass and trees around town. But dirt patches stay dirty, and there seems to be a lot of them in Wild World.

Crazy Redd was in town, but I didn’t need the strange painting he was selling. And I never buy any of his other non-art stuff, so I just left his tent without paying rent.

When I spoke with Big Top, he wondered if his clothes felt too much like early springtime. And then he started talking about milk tea, and I didn’t know how to respond.

Big Top: To me, early spring tastes just like milk tea, baconballs!

I spoke with Kiki, and she told me she likes to stand there and look up at the clouds. That sounds nice and all, but the problem is that she was indoors when she said it! If she’s seeing clouds inside her house, that’s probably not a good thing!

Kiki: Sometimes, I just like to stand here and stare up into the clouds.

Rosie asked me for a new greeting, and I was kinda feeling down, so I told her to say “Oh joy, it’s you.” It’s meant to sound sarcastic, but when Rosie repeated it, I’m not sure if the sarcasm came across well. Rosie is just too cheery, so it sounds like something she would legitimately say. 😛

Rosie: Oh joy, it's you!

The snow on the ground makes it easy to find all of the buried items, so I found all three of today’s fossils and had Blathers identify them. I sold them, along with some other stuff, and then headed over to town hall. I deposited 100,000 bells into my savings account before ending my game for the night.