Go, Roald, Go!

When I visited Rosie tonight, she said that every day of her life is more boring than the last one.

Rosie: Y'know, every day of my life is more boring than the last one, silly.

However, she just happened to know of a cure for her affliction: Pink furniture. 😛

Rosie: If only I had, oh, say, some pink furniture! Then life would be AWESOME!!

Unfortunately for her, Tom Nook didn’t have any for sale today. 😛

Crazy Redd had a solemn painting for sale in his tent. I solemnly swear he is up to no good, because I didn’t need that one.

A new Message of the Week was posted on the bulletin board, and it said if you can’t say anything nice, write it down.

*Message of the Week* Can't say anything nice? Write it down!
This is what keeps Twitter going.

In Roald’s house, I found a nice surprise… Roald is moving out! He was actually being nice about it. Well, there’s a first time for everything. Fortunately, it’s also the last. Later, dumbbell.

Roald: Don't ever forget me, man! You hear me? Never forget! Peace, b-b-buddy!

Gaston was sick with a cold, so I gave him some medicine I already had with me. He said I was so good to him, that he shouldn’t have called me all those names.

Gaston: You're so good to me. I shouldn't have called you all those names.

Over the weekend, I posted a new Wild World video, Episode 18. It shows some highlights of things that have happened in Forest from December through March. If you haven’t seen it yet, here it is. I hope you enjoy it!

Golden Net

Mayor Tortimer was waiting for me outside my house today; he congratulated me for catching every type of bug in the game.

Tortimer: Your bravery is the net that's captured our hearts!

He gave me the golden net, calling it the net of love that catches our hearts.

Tortimer: but it is the net of love that catches our hearts! Contemplate that, sprout...
Wait, I thought my bravery was the net that captured our hearts.

Regardless, this thing is huge! It’s nice to have it, even if I don’t plan on using it much. At least not anytime soon.

Jeff swings the golden net in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

I ran into Rosie, and she asked what I was doing up so late. It was only about 5:20 p.m. in the game! It wasn’t even dark out yet! What’s wrong with her?

Rosie: Jeff... Is that you? What are you doing up this late? Something fun, I hope!

Crazy Redd had a rare painting for sale, but I already got the real rare painting earlier this year.

Kiki, Rosie, and Margie all made me feel unliked today. They all said they wished they could talk to someone from another town. Roald, not surprisingly, wasn’t any better. He gave me a new nickname: dumbbell. I just took this picture halfway through the word, to make it look even worse. 😛

Roald: OK, then from this moment on, you're dumb

It’s pretty bad when Gaston of all people is the only villager that doesn’t seem to be rude. He just told me I could still catch a mole cricket even though it’s March now. I had no interest in catching a mole cricket, but at least he didn’t call me dumb today. 😛

Gaston: So what if it's March? You can still catch a mole cricket!

I shook a few trees, and when some bees came at me, I figured that was a good time to end my game for the day. 😛

Bug Exhibit Complete!

I played earlier today, and it helped that I hadn’t changed my Wii U time since Daylight Saving Time began. The extra hour allowed me to try for the peacock butterfly, so I grabbed my purple and black hybrids out of my house and put them outside. I also noticed a new purple tulip had popped up.

Three hybrid flowers plus one new purple tulip on the right.

No peacocks appeared immediately of course, so I went on and made my rounds (watering flowers and speaking with villagers). I saved Big Top from moving again, and I checked out Crazy Redd’s tent. He had a solemn painting for sale, but I didn’t need it.

When I visited Rosie, she told me she was on a miso soup diet. She has to eat drink ten gallons of soup every day! Yikes!

Rosie: I have to drink ten gallons of miso soup every single day!

I visited Bree, and she reminded me to keep watering my flowers. But then she made an odd analogy about flowers and women.

Bree: Flowers are kinda like women, cheeseball.

She said that flowers, like women, might hit me with a net!

Bree: Give 'em care and they perk up, but ignore 'em and they wilt and hit you with a net.

Back outside, Gaston wanted to trade his backyard fence for my tiger butterfly, no matter what Gaston thought about it. Wait, what?

Gaston: Whoa! Really? Well, I don't care what Gaston says.

After that, I returned home to look for a peacock butterfly. I tried walking around back and forth, and I tried going in and out of my house a number of times. It was taking a while, and I was about to give up. But then…I saw it! I caught the peacock, and it was the last bug I needed! Yay! 😀

Jeff, holding a peacock butterfly: I caught every kind of bug!

I rushed over to the museum and handed it to Blathers. The insect exhibit at the museum is now complete!

Blathers: Hoo my! Could this mean that the bug exhibit is now entirely complete?!

I still need two fish and two paintings to complete the museum. The two fish won’t be available until July, and the two paintings could take me even longer (unless I get lucky). But it feels good to at least finish the bug exhibit. 🙂