Kidnapping Jeremiah’s Buddies

A new “Talking to Myself” message was posted to the bulletin board. The author would like to see people come with instruction manuals, especially Pete.

-Talking to Myself- If local folks came with instruction manuals, I'd want one for my sister and about five for Pete!

Bree was telling me that you can change the feel of a room by changing the carpet and wallpaper.

Bree: You can change the whole feel of a room by replacing the carpet and walls.

In fact, she recommends doing it after a breakup…instead of cutting your hair. Um, okay?

Bree: When you've been dumped, might I suggest this over cutting your hair?

When I spoke with Jeremiah, he mentioned being itchy. So I caught a flea that was on him, and…he was upset with me! He said I kidnapped his buddies. Why do I bother?

Jeremiah: My buddies!!! You've kidnapped my buddies! Nee-deep!

Kabuki asked me for some green furniture, so I checked out the shop. Tom Nook had a green lamp for sale for 1,800 bells. I bought it, and took it over to Kabuki. He thanked me by giving me 500 bells…less than one-third of what it cost me.

Kabuki: Here... Have 500 bells, meooo-OH.

Sometimes you go out of your way to help someone, and end up worse off yourself. It sucks, but I guess Wild World is realistic that way. 😛

Big Top told me a story about how his uncle used to wear a pep squad shirt when Big Top was young. I was wondering where the story was going, but Big Top just wanted me to get a pep squad shirt for him. I think he’ll be waiting a longggggg time.

Big Top: I have an uncle who, when I was young, used to wear a pep squad shirt.

Nobody was packed up to move out, which was a bit surprising. I have a feeling this means someone is going to move out without warning. I guess I’ll find out next week.

I have posted a new episode of my Animal Crossing: Wild World video series. It covers events that occurred from April through June, along with some interesting edits, of course. I hope you’ll check it out and enjoy it! 🙂

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