Fake Crying

Tonight, Kiki asked if I still had the photo of her that she gave me. Of course I do! She said it was like she gave me a piece of her heart, and I kept it safe and warm. Aww.

Kiki: It's like I gave you a little piece of my heart, and you kept it safe and warm!

I had a chat with Bree, and she told me that she can’t fake-laugh, or fake-cry on command (like Kabuki can).

Bree: And, unlike Kabuki, I can't fake-cry on command either...
I may not like you, but at least you’re not one of those manipulative fake-criers. I didn’t realize Kabuki was one, though!

She continued, saying that she’s not talking trash, because it’s not trash if it’s true. 😂 She then gave me some bamboo flooring for free. Haha, Bree seems almost likable today. Go figure.

Bree: Oops! Did that sound like I was talking trash? But...it's not trash if it's true!

Big Top wanted to have a competition to see who could catch a horse mackerel first. It took me a surprisingly long time to catch one, but I still beat Big Top. He tried to say I only won because he wasn’t really trying. Well, he was inside his house the whole time, so I guess that’s true. Even if it was a bit insulting. But he gave me a citrus wall for the fish.

Big Top: The next time we do this, I'm actually gonna try! We'll see who wins then!

Here’s a quick recap of a few other things tonight:

  • Crazy Redd had a perfect painting for sale, but I didn’t need it.
  • Kabuki was packed up to move out, but I talked him out of it.
  • A message posted to the bulletin board reminded me that the first fireworks festival of the year is coming up on Saturday.

I fished for over an hour, and caught a few valuable bugs I saw on trees during that time too. I made over 100,000 bells on the night, caught five pieces of trash, and…still didn’t find either of the fish I’ve been looking for. I think I’m going to need to try even harder in August.

Blue J

Teddy accused me of blowing off his training regimen tonight. I responded by asking him “what regimen?” and that confused him and angered him further. When I spoke to him again, he told me to shut my yap and leave. What a rude teddy bear. No wonder he didn’t make it into Toy Story 4.

Teddy: Shut your yap, talkie! Make like a tree and leave, in a pond!

The latest Message of the Week said that you can catch more bees with honey than with vinegar. And that’s why honey makes a bad moisturizer.

*Message of the Week* You catch more bees with honey than with vinegar. That's why honey makes a poor facial moisturizer.
The bees think it makes for a fun game of Hive-and-Seek.

I met Jeremiah’s replacement, and it’s another blue animal whose name starts with J. In fact, it’s Jay.

Jay: Hey, pleased ta meetcha! I'm Jay!

My new neighbor Jay
is really just okay.
But I would be a liah
If I said he’s as good as Jeremiah.

Kiki showed me a letter she got from someone. It suggests using your net to threaten someone who keeps talking to you. 😀

Tip of the day: Next time you find you're stuck talking to someone, yell 'Leave me alone!' and take out your net. -Helpful Hint Guy

Rosie decided to give me a new nickname: J-town. I’m surprised she went there. It sounds more like a place, than a person. 😛

When I ran into Kiki again, she showed me another interesting letter. Who is sending her all these things?

Catch a bug, Kiki? they always say 'take care' when you leave the doctor's office, but if we did, they'd be broke! -A conspiracy theorist

When I was done making my rounds, I fished for about an hour and a half. Even though I caught a number of valuable fish and bugs, I still have not found the dorado or blue marlin that I need. I’ll keep trying.

Frog-Gone It!

I was quite disappointed to find a goodbye letter from Jeremiah in the mail tonight. He was probably my 3rd-favorite villager in town, behind Kiki and Big Top. And the worst part is that I never got his villager pic, even though I got Bree’s pic last week (and I don’t even like her).

Oh, by the way, Jeff, Oh, hey! When I moved out of Forest, I took a tile from the plaza... Was Tortimer mad? I'm nervous! -Jeremiah

Well, at least I got to enjoy his birthday party with him last week. Hopefully the birthday present I gave him (a beach chair) wasn’t what drove him away. 😛

Teddy told me that he saw Kabuki and Bree gazing into each other’s eyes, but he didn’t know if they were having a staring contest or if something was going on between them. I’m hoping it was just a staring contest. Kabuki surely must have better taste than that.

Teddy: Hey, I saw Kabuki and Bree gazing into each other's eyes...

The latest Message of the Week on the bulletin board said that removing bandages hurts…so we should just leave them on.

*Message of the Week* Removing bandages hurts. Leave them on!

I did a lot of fishing tonight, but I didn’t catch either of the fish I needed for the museum. But I still made some good catches, including an arapaima, a hammerhead shark, a barred knifejaw, and a bunch of red snappers. But sadly, no coelacanths, even though it was raining.

I earned about 85,000 bells on the night.