Fireworks Finale

The only fireworks you’ll see in Animal Crossing this weekend is right here in Wild World. When August ends on a Saturday, like it does this year, Wild World will have five fireworks festivals this year, while New Leaf and City Folk will only have four. (That’s because the newer games have fireworks on Sundays instead of Saturdays). Next year, all three games will see five fireworks festivals.

Fireworks in Animal Crossing: Wild World in JVGS Jeff's town of Forest.

In Forest, Teddy was particularly enjoying the fireworks tonight.


Kiki was also excited about the fireworks. After I spoke to her, she pushed me backwards like a sumo wrestler. 😛

Outside of town hall, Tortimer gave me a roman candle. I used it to warm up his shell. Interestingly, all the fireworks in the sky stopped until my roman candle was nearly out.

Jeff burns a roman candle towards Tortimer's shell in ACWW.

Margie was sick with a cold, so I bought some medicine for her. It only cost 200 bells, because Nookington’s was having a half-off everything sale tonight.

When I went to visit Bree, she informed me that she’s moving out!

Bree: Hi, darling! Look, I gotta break some bad news to you. I'm moving.
So what’s the bad news?

I’m glad she’s finally leaving! I had to save so many of my other villagers for months and months, when Bree was the one I wanted to leave.

Inside of town hall, Pelly had some additional dialogue for me. She seems to have realized that Pete may have a crush on someone else.

Pelly: Do you think maybe Pete has a crush on someone else already?
Pelly: No. It can't be...
Wait until you find out it’s your sister that he likes… 😛

I hope you all enjoyed the last fireworks of the year. Or if not, you can always stare at the fireworks GIF at the start of this entry and pretend you were there. 😀 See you all next time!

Player Two, Pelly Dialogue

Yesterday, I made a second character…for the sole purpose of unlocking spotlight items at Nook’s, so that I can complete my museum. So I hopped into Kapp’n’s taxi and went for a ride.

Kapp'n: Yar har har har HAR! I see, ye wee goldfish. Plenty o' pirate's booty!

I named the new character Villager, and Kapp’n dropped me off outside of town hall.

Kapp'n drops off a new Villager at town hall in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

After Pelly welcomed me to town and showed me where my house is on the map, I went home right away. I tried to save my game there, but it wouldn’t let me.

...But I still can't sleep!

So I went outside and got attacked by a raccoon!

Tom Nook: Perhaps you know, but I actually build this house...
So what do you want, a cookie?

It was Tom Nook, of course. Even though the house is already paid off, he still wants me to work at his shop part-time. But I didn’t want to do that if I didn’t have to, so I went back in the house and jumped into bed. This time, it let me save my game. Hopefully that will be enough to unlock the spotlight items, but I guess I’ll find out sooner or later.

After that, I switched to my Jeff character. I watered flowers, talked to villagers, and I caught a sweetfish for Kiki. (She rewarded me with a Persian wall). After I checked the recycle bin, I heard Pelly sigh! She had some new dialogue!

She mentioned how she was trying to get Pete to notice her, even going so far as to straighten her wings and polish her beak? Yikes, that wing thing sounds a bit painful.

Pelly: Oh, Pete... Can't you see how hard I'm trying to get you to notice me...
Pelly: Of course! I straighten my wings when he's around and polish my beak daily...

I played again today, and I listened in on a conversation between Kiki and Teddy. Kiki told Teddy that it was nice to see him smiling, and that he always looked so happy. But Teddy responded that he’s not smiling, he’s just flexing his face.

Teddy: I'm not happy! I'm flexing my face! I don't want my lips to start sagging!

The conversation started out nicely enough, but it soon turned into an argument.

Kiki: Come on, why do you even NEED ripped cheek muscles? Am I missing something?

Kiki didn’t understand why Teddy needed ripped cheek muscles, and Teddy said they were necessary to “power chew” gum. Kiki ultimately wondered if everyone in town was crazy except her.

At town hall, Pelly had some additional dialogue. She concluded that she has to be more aggressive in her approach (to get Pete to notice her). She just doesn’t think she has the courage to actually do it.

Pelly: I think I have to be more up front and aggressive in my approach.
Pelly: B-but I... I just can't work up the courage to do it... It's so pathetic.

Rosie has been asking me for pink furniture for an eternity (or two). So when Nook had a lovely table for sale today, I decided to buy it for her. Rosie seemed to love it, and she rewarded me with an ivy wall. I left and re-entered her house to see if she displayed it in her house, and she had. But when I spoke to her, she again said she needed pink furniture! Ugh!

Rosie: If only I had, oh, say, some pink furniture! Then life would be AWESOME!
Don’t push your luck, kitty cat.

Unhappy Home Designer

Teddy was all packed up and ready to move out today, but I told him to reconsider. He then realized that he lost his passport and couldn’t move out anyway.

Teddy: I won't be able to move out if I don't have my passport, in a pond!

I visited Kiki, and she seemed upset. She told me not to pay attention to how she arranged her furniture.

Kiki: Please don't pay attention to how I arranged my furniture!
She’s an Unhappy Home Designer.

She thought it was embarrassing, but I told her it was fine. She then admitted that she worked hard on her room. Poor Kiki, getting all worried over something like this. Well at least she’s feeling better now. 🙂

Kiki: To tell you the truth, I worked hard to design my room, kitty cat.

Crazy Redd had the dainty painting this week, and of course, I didn’t need it. So I looked up to see which two paintings I do still need, and they are the famous painting and the fine painting.

According to some sites, those two are actually sold at Nook’s shop as spotlight items. However, I’ve never seen any spotlight items at Nook’s shop in Wild World! After some Googling, it seems that you need a second player in town before spotlight items start appearing! Well, I guess I need to make another player soon!

Anyway, Margie asked me to make a delivery to Kiki. So I took the package (which turned out to be a U R here shirt) over to Kiki, and she just thought it was okay. Margie wasn’t very upset with the news, and she rewarded me with a billiard table.

Margie: That's just fine. Thanks again. Oh, wait! I should give you a reward...

It was a bit early for the good bugs to be out yet, so I gathered and sold some fruit to make a little extra money. I also saw a fin in the ocean, and fished out an ocean sunfish.

That’s all I have for now, but I’ll be posting a new Wild World video by the weekend. Have a great day!