Fish Exhibit Complete!

I played on Sunday, and Kiki asked me if I had seen a soup can around. That was an odd question…

Kiki: J-bean, have you seen a soup can around here?

She said Margie asked her to look for it. And then Kiki seemed to realize Margie was just messing with her. 😛

Kiki: Ahh! If Margie is messing with me, I am going to FLIP!

Big Top wanted to move out of town, but I told him not to go. After just one attempt, he said he would reconsider. Good elephant. I have him trained well.

When I ran into Rosie, she had a strange question for me. Almost as odd as Kiki’s question. She wondered if I knew what dessert she ate two months ago. As if I would keep track of such a thing for everyone in town.

Rosie: Question!! What did I eat for DESSERT two months ago?

I guessed ice cream, and I was correct. She gave me a round carpet as a prize.

After I was done with my normal duties (watering flowers, finding the bell rock, etc.), I began fishing along the river. I ran into Rosie again, and she showed me this letter she got from someone:

Rosie, A person's abilities are tested best when defending rather than attacking. -Anonymous

After about half an hour of fishing, I caught what I was looking for…a dorado! That was the last fish I needed! Woohoo!

Jeff, after catching a dorado: I caught every kind of fish!

I took it over to the museum and donated it. Blathers confirmed that the fish exhibit is now complete! Yess!

Blathers: Could my eyes deceive me?! Has the fish exhibit reached completion?

The museum still needs two paintings to be complete, but that’s something I can’t speed up. (I don’t time travel, in case anyone reading this didn’t know). I’ll get there eventually, but it feels great to have everything else done, at least.

Today, Tortimer met me outside my house to…propose to me?

Tortimer: You've probably guessed what it is... It's an engagement ring!

He was kidding, of course. He actually had a golden rod for me.

Tortimer: You may not need it, but who doesn't want a rod made of gold?
I reeled in the golden fishing rod! Look out fishies!

A new Message of the Week was posted to the bulletin board, and it was about birthdays and in-laws. But I didn’t think Pelly or Phyllis were married, so I’m not sure who they’re referring to.

*Message of the Week* Birthdays come once a year. In-laws come all the time.

Update: Here’s a quick look back at my last fish in each Animal Crossing game.

Blue Marlin!

Last night, Teddy told me he doesn’t write letters much, because it doesn’t burn enough carbs. That’s probably not a good way of looking at it, but who am I to argue with a giant teddy bear who’s obsessed with exercising?

Teddy: ...Me?! Naw, I don't write letters much, in a pond. Doesn't burn enough carbs.

A new “Talking to Myself” message was posted to the bulletin board. The author wondered what color she should dye her feathers…if she does it at all.

-Talking to Myself- What color should I dye my feathers? Red is too bright. Blue makes me look sick. Maybe I won't.

After speaking with everyone, I went fishing. I fished and fished, and I was starting to get tired. But before I stopped for the night, I did it! I caught a blue marlin in the ocean!

I caught a blue marlin! Why so blue, marlin?

Now I only need one more fish, the dorado. And I can strictly focus on fishing in the river now for the rest of summer, instead of having to check both the river and the ocean.

I played again tonight, and Teddy was making sound effects. He’s just excited about the fireworks this month.

Teddy: ...Sweet sound effects, eh? Fireworks bring out the ANIMAL in me, in a pond!

Kabuki asked me for a new catchphrase, and I told him to say ninja cat.

Kabuki: I was wondering what kind of craziness you'd have me saying, ninja cat!

Crazy Redd had a basic painting for sale this week, and of course, I didn’t need it.

Kiki gave me a new nickname, J-bean. I guess that’s not too bad of a nickname, since I do like coffee. Then again, I could be named after green beans or lima beans, and that wouldn’t quite sound as good.

Kiki: From this day forward, you will be J-bean to me, J-bean!

I posted my impressions of the Animal Crossing sticker book tonight, so give that a look if you’re interested (or just want something else Animal Crossing related to read). Have a good day, and I’ll see you next time!