Onion Up Your Nose

Last Wednesday, I found a note in a bottle on the beach. It had the results of someone’s (medical) physical. Seems like a strange way for a doctor to send the results. 😀

Physical Results: Height: 5'6". Weight: 193 lbs. Body fat: 47 percent. No concerns. -Chief resident

Mint asked me to make a delivery, so I took a nurse’s uniform over to Kabuki.

Kabuki: Huh?... Har har har! A nurse's uniform, ninja cat.

He said he didn’t know if he considered it boring or practical, but he said he would use it every day! Hmm, I wonder who he’s dressing up as a nurse for…

Kabuki: Either way, it's something I'll use every day, ninja cat!

Mint gave me 500 bells for making the delivery.

Tonight, I found another note in a bottle on the beach. And this one was even stranger than the last one. Poor Timmy’s aunt told him to stick an onion wedge up his nose!

To Timmy, How are things over there? If you catch a cold, you should wedge an onion slice in your nose! -Your aunt in the country

I spotted a new house in town, and I was egg-cited to find Benedict inside! He was my buddy in New Leaf and City Folk, though he no longer lives in either of those towns. So I’m glad to have him here!

Benedict: Gah! This place is such a mess! I gotta unpack my pillows so I can sleep!

Rosie asked me for a new catchphrase, so I told her to say “but no.”

Rosie: Wow... Thanks, J-town! Now I sound like a totally different girl! But no!

Jay Walks Out

I was a bit surprised to find a goodbye letter from Jay in the mail tonight. I didn’t really want to lose him so soon, but there’s nothing I can do about it now.

Hey there, Jeff, Guess what? I'm moving! Yeah, I know. Stop crying. We'll still be friendly rivals, right? -Your friend, Jay

Kiki was walking around with a net tonight. Apparently, she was trying to catch a flea! Be careful what you wish for, Kiki…

Kiki: Maybe I'm wrong, but is the flea in season right now?

Mint asked me to make a delivery to Kabuki, so I took over the gift…which Kabuki had forgotten was coming.

Kabuki: Heh! Heh! Forgetting about a gift is like forgetting to breathe, ninja cat!

The gift was a fresh shirt, which Kabuki seemed to appreciate. However, he didn’t put it on. When I returned to Mint, she gave me 500 bells for making the delivery.

I ran into Rosie outside, and she said I look like I’m bad at budgeting. That’s kinda rude…

Rosie: No offense, J-town, but you look like you're bad at budgeting, me-yowza!

So she gave me a cabin clock for free. But the bad news is that she gave me an even harsher insult: She called me irresponsible with money! What is she even basing this on?

Rosie: It's kinda weird how being irresponsible with money can be rewarding, isn't it?

I played early enough to see Pelly at town hall, but she didn’t have any additional dialogue for me. If there was anything additional to the recent storyline, maybe I missed it.

In the Spotlight

For the first time in nearly three years of playing in this town, there was a bulletin board post about a specific item for sale on Nook’s shop. The “emergency notice” informed me that an exotic chest is in stock.

**Emergency Notice** Today we have a very special item in stock! The exotic chest! Come and get it!

As I entered the shop, Tom Nook informed me that he had a spotlight product in stock today.

Tom Nook: Yes, welcome! We have our spotlight product in stock today! Check it out, yes?

When I went upstairs, Tommy had a similar bit of dialogue. With all three notices, I’m pretty sure I would have noticed at least one of them in three years of playing. 😛 So this seems to confirm what I’ve read on multiple sites, that spotlight items only appear once you’ve added another player to town. Maybe I’d be able to delete the 2nd player now and still get spotlight items, I’m not sure. But I’ll probably just leave him there for now…at least until I get all the paintings I need.

I went ahead and bought the exotic chest for 1,800 bells, even though I didn’t particularly need it.

Tommy: You have a keep eye! That's our spotlight product...the exotic chest!

I visited Margie, and she thanked me for the gift of good health. Well, medicine, to be specific. But she’s feeling better now, and she gave me a satellite for helping her out in her time of need.

Margie: You have given me the most precious of gifts... The gift of good heath!

There was a new house in town, so I went inside to meet Bree’s replacement. It was Mint, the green squirrel! Wow, to trade Bree for Mint is pretty awesome! Anyway, Mint moved here because of a boy. Uh, I mean, “many complicated reasons.”

Mint: Sigh... I'll bet that he's looking up at the same sky right now.
Mint: I'm Mint. I fled to this town for many, many complicated reasons.

Well, whatever the reason, I’m happy to have you in Forest, Mint.

I ran into Big Top outside, and he spontaneously gave me a gift…a jack in the box.

Big Top: I trust you'll treat my jack-in-the-box the way you would me.
Do I wind you up and let you scare me to death?

I played later tonight than I have the last few weeks, so Phyllis was at town hall instead of Pelly. Phyllis didn’t have any dialogue for me, and I don’t know if Pelly had any more. Maybe I’ll see her next time.

Sign on Kabuki's house: I'm out right now. Deal. -Kabuki