Jay Walks Out

I was a bit surprised to find a goodbye letter from Jay in the mail tonight. I didn’t really want to lose him so soon, but there’s nothing I can do about it now.

Hey there, Jeff, Guess what? I'm moving! Yeah, I know. Stop crying. We'll still be friendly rivals, right? -Your friend, Jay

Kiki was walking around with a net tonight. Apparently, she was trying to catch a flea! Be careful what you wish for, Kiki…

Kiki: Maybe I'm wrong, but is the flea in season right now?

Mint asked me to make a delivery to Kabuki, so I took over the gift…which Kabuki had forgotten was coming.

Kabuki: Heh! Heh! Forgetting about a gift is like forgetting to breathe, ninja cat!

The gift was a fresh shirt, which Kabuki seemed to appreciate. However, he didn’t put it on. When I returned to Mint, she gave me 500 bells for making the delivery.

I ran into Rosie outside, and she said I look like I’m bad at budgeting. That’s kinda rude…

Rosie: No offense, J-town, but you look like you're bad at budgeting, me-yowza!

So she gave me a cabin clock for free. But the bad news is that she gave me an even harsher insult: She called me irresponsible with money! What is she even basing this on?

Rosie: It's kinda weird how being irresponsible with money can be rewarding, isn't it?

I played early enough to see Pelly at town hall, but she didn’t have any additional dialogue for me. If there was anything additional to the recent storyline, maybe I missed it.