All For Nothing

I visited Big Top tonight, and he was wondering if fish have personalities. He said he thought that the octopus is the indoor type.

Big Top: My personal opinion is that the octopus is more of the indoor type.

What he was trying to say is that he wanted to have a competition to see who could catch an octopus first.

I’ve been trying to raise my Nook membership rank lately. So at Nookington’s, I did a little shopping.

Timmy: Yes? Yes? How can we help you this fine day?!

When I went outside, Mint was holding a bug net. She told me she was looking for a pill bug.

Mint: I'm looking for a bug called a pill bug, ahhhhhh.

I spent about 15 minutes trying to catch that octopus for Big Top, and I eventually got my hands on one. But when I took it to Big Top, he told me he won. He said he just caught one, so he didn’t need mine.

Big Top: Whoa... Huh huh huh! I won! Villain!

He’s lucky he was indoors, because I wanted to pitfall him bad. When I spoke to him again, he wanted to have another competition to see who could catch a carp. No way. I walked out of his house.

Back over by Nookington’s, Mint showed me a letter she got about weeding from a “concerned neighbor.” In the background, Kabuki and Rosie were having a conversation, and you can see a very happy Rosie in the upper-left corner of this screenshot:

Listen up, Mint! Weeding is very tiring, especially when you don't have hands! So weed your own plot, you lazy bum. -A concerned neighbor

After I harvested some fruit, I caught a pill bug for Mint. However, there was no option to give it to her! Apparently, the pill bug comment was just part of her normal dialogue and she wasn’t actually asking me to catch her one. Ugh, I guess the fishing and bug-catching I did tonight was all for nothing.

Last week, I put up a video ranking all of my villagers in all seven of my Animal Crossing towns. My Wild World town is unique in that I like all of my current residents! Check it out if you haven’t seen it yet.

And just today, I put up another video telling a story. It’s an Animal Crossing Halloween poem that takes place in Luigi’s Mansion.

Have a great Halloween, and I’ll see you next time!

Camel for an Elephant

Teddy asked me to make a delivery to Margie tonight, and he only gave me ten minutes to do it. I rushed over to Margie’s house, but she wasn’t home. After a bit of searching around, I found her near town hall. Teddy sent her a camel shirt.

Margie: Well, looky here. It's a camel shirt. Huh...

She clearly wasn’t thrilled with it, but she thanked me anyway. When I returned to Teddy, he gave me some steel flooring for making the delivery.

I found some purple tulips near Big Top’s house, and I swiped them from right under his nose.

Jeff finds some purple tulips near Big Top's house.

Rosie had all her belongings packed up in boxes, and she planned to move out of town.

Rosie: I've gotta do what's right for ME this time! I'm really sorry, but no!
Her catchphrase fits in flawlessly here.

Fortunately, I got her to change her mind (I think). I recently realized that I like all eight of my town villagers now. I can’t say the same for any of my towns in other games.

Mint wanted to visit my house, but I turned down the offer (as I usually do). Also, Crazy Redd was in town… but he didn’t have anything I needed.

Black Fur

The acorn festival is over, but the acorns remain; they are still scattered all over town, and I need to clean them all up now. What a pain.

I visited Teddy tonight, and he asked me to let him do sit-ups in my house. That sounded like an odd request, but I figured he was just asking to visit my house. I told him no.

Teddy: Don't ask me why, just let me do sit-ups in your pad! Please, in a pond!

Nookington’s had another spotlight item today, two weeks after the last one. However, it was the same spotlight item: the hamster cage!

Timmy, in a smoky shop: You have a keen eye! That's our spotlight product...the hamster cage!
I don’t think all this smoke is good for the hamster.

Kiki asked me for some black furniture, as she does quite frequently, so I bought a modern sofa for her. When I took it over to her, she was surprised that I knew she was looking for black fur…niture.

Kiki: How in the world did you know I was into collecting black fur
You’ve only asked me about 893 times.

She rewarded me with a tartan rug.

Big Top was talking about how all fish have the same exact face…

Big Top: It seems like all fish have the exact same face...

…especially sea bass. Well, they do look quite familiar.

Big Top: Especially the sea bass! Talk about a familiar face.

He was really asking me to catch a sea bass for him. Luckily for him, I already had one in my pockets! He gladly accepted it and gave me an ornate wall in return.

Back behind my house, I found a new black rose! It’s always a nice surprise when you find a new hybrid flower. I put it in my house for storage.

Jeff finds a new black rose in town.