Kiki’s Birthday, Acorn Fest

I was surprised to find Rosie at Kiki’s house tonight. It’s Kiki’s birthday, and I forgot all about it. Fortunately, I had a piece of furniture in my pockets. It was a desk light, even though I was going to put it in my house. Oh well, I couldn’t not give Kiki a present.

Kiki: I'll treasure this forever! Or until it breaks... Whichever comes first.

Rosie’s catchphrase made it sound like she was contradicting herself.

Rosie: Happy, happy, happy birthday, Kiki! Yaaaaay, but no!

But Kiki’s birthday wasn’t the only special occasion; the Acorn Festival is taking place this week! Acorns can be found underneath regular trees, and Benedict sang the festival theme song for me.

Benedict, singing: Cornimer's by my side! Wading through an acorn tide!

Cornimer was standing outside of town hall. While I didn’t collect all of the acorns in town, I did pick up a bunch of them. I gave them to Cornimer, and he gave me several pieces of mush furniture in return…including this mushy stool sample.

Cornimer: Yeppers, looks like it's time for your prize. How 'bout a mush stool?

Cornimer also revealed my acorn fortune.

Your secret fortune: Medium Acorn. Life: Most likely, yes. Hopes: It will end well. Karma: You're on track. Look behind you!

Mint was all packed up and ready to move out of town, but I got her to change her mind. She hasn’t been here long enough yet!

Mint: I'm sorry, but I need more.

Anyway, the Acorn Festival prevented Crazy Redd from showing up this week. Good luck with your acorn hunting, for those of you who play! I’ll see you next time.