The acorn festival is over, but the acorns remain; they are still scattered all over town, and I need to clean them all up now. What a pain.
I visited Teddy tonight, and he asked me to let him do sit-ups in my house. That sounded like an odd request, but I figured he was just asking to visit my house. I told him no.
Nookington’s had another spotlight item today, two weeks after the last one. However, it was the same spotlight item: the hamster cage!
Kiki asked me for some black furniture, as she does quite frequently, so I bought a modern sofa for her. When I took it over to her, she was surprised that I knew she was looking for black fur…niture.
She rewarded me with a tartan rug.
Big Top was talking about how all fish have the same exact face…
…especially sea bass. Well, they do look quite familiar.
He was really asking me to catch a sea bass for him. Luckily for him, I already had one in my pockets! He gladly accepted it and gave me an ornate wall in return.
Back behind my house, I found a new black rose! It’s always a nice surprise when you find a new hybrid flower. I put it in my house for storage.