Black Fur

The acorn festival is over, but the acorns remain; they are still scattered all over town, and I need to clean them all up now. What a pain.

I visited Teddy tonight, and he asked me to let him do sit-ups in my house. That sounded like an odd request, but I figured he was just asking to visit my house. I told him no.

Teddy: Don't ask me why, just let me do sit-ups in your pad! Please, in a pond!

Nookington’s had another spotlight item today, two weeks after the last one. However, it was the same spotlight item: the hamster cage!

Timmy, in a smoky shop: You have a keen eye! That's our spotlight product...the hamster cage!
I don’t think all this smoke is good for the hamster.

Kiki asked me for some black furniture, as she does quite frequently, so I bought a modern sofa for her. When I took it over to her, she was surprised that I knew she was looking for black fur…niture.

Kiki: How in the world did you know I was into collecting black fur
You’ve only asked me about 893 times.

She rewarded me with a tartan rug.

Big Top was talking about how all fish have the same exact face…

Big Top: It seems like all fish have the exact same face...

…especially sea bass. Well, they do look quite familiar.

Big Top: Especially the sea bass! Talk about a familiar face.

He was really asking me to catch a sea bass for him. Luckily for him, I already had one in my pockets! He gladly accepted it and gave me an ornate wall in return.

Back behind my house, I found a new black rose! It’s always a nice surprise when you find a new hybrid flower. I put it in my house for storage.

Jeff finds a new black rose in town.

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