Camel for an Elephant

Teddy asked me to make a delivery to Margie tonight, and he only gave me ten minutes to do it. I rushed over to Margie’s house, but she wasn’t home. After a bit of searching around, I found her near town hall. Teddy sent her a camel shirt.

Margie: Well, looky here. It's a camel shirt. Huh...

She clearly wasn’t thrilled with it, but she thanked me anyway. When I returned to Teddy, he gave me some steel flooring for making the delivery.

I found some purple tulips near Big Top’s house, and I swiped them from right under his nose.

Jeff finds some purple tulips near Big Top's house.

Rosie had all her belongings packed up in boxes, and she planned to move out of town.

Rosie: I've gotta do what's right for ME this time! I'm really sorry, but no!
Her catchphrase fits in flawlessly here.

Fortunately, I got her to change her mind (I think). I recently realized that I like all eight of my town villagers now. I can’t say the same for any of my towns in other games.

Mint wanted to visit my house, but I turned down the offer (as I usually do). Also, Crazy Redd was in town… but he didn’t have anything I needed.