All For Nothing

I visited Big Top tonight, and he was wondering if fish have personalities. He said he thought that the octopus is the indoor type.

Big Top: My personal opinion is that the octopus is more of the indoor type.

What he was trying to say is that he wanted to have a competition to see who could catch an octopus first.

I’ve been trying to raise my Nook membership rank lately. So at Nookington’s, I did a little shopping.

Timmy: Yes? Yes? How can we help you this fine day?!

When I went outside, Mint was holding a bug net. She told me she was looking for a pill bug.

Mint: I'm looking for a bug called a pill bug, ahhhhhh.

I spent about 15 minutes trying to catch that octopus for Big Top, and I eventually got my hands on one. But when I took it to Big Top, he told me he won. He said he just caught one, so he didn’t need mine.

Big Top: Whoa... Huh huh huh! I won! Villain!

He’s lucky he was indoors, because I wanted to pitfall him bad. When I spoke to him again, he wanted to have another competition to see who could catch a carp. No way. I walked out of his house.

Back over by Nookington’s, Mint showed me a letter she got about weeding from a “concerned neighbor.” In the background, Kabuki and Rosie were having a conversation, and you can see a very happy Rosie in the upper-left corner of this screenshot:

Listen up, Mint! Weeding is very tiring, especially when you don't have hands! So weed your own plot, you lazy bum. -A concerned neighbor

After I harvested some fruit, I caught a pill bug for Mint. However, there was no option to give it to her! Apparently, the pill bug comment was just part of her normal dialogue and she wasn’t actually asking me to catch her one. Ugh, I guess the fishing and bug-catching I did tonight was all for nothing.

Last week, I put up a video ranking all of my villagers in all seven of my Animal Crossing towns. My Wild World town is unique in that I like all of my current residents! Check it out if you haven’t seen it yet.

And just today, I put up another video telling a story. It’s an Animal Crossing Halloween poem that takes place in Luigi’s Mansion.

Have a great Halloween, and I’ll see you next time!

4 thoughts on “All For Nothing”

    1. Yeah, we all have our favorites and not-so-favorites. I don’t mean any offense to anyone who likes Yuka or any of the others villagers I dislike. If you have villagers that you like, that’s all that matters. 🙂

  1. this is how old the animal crossing series is because it released in japan on december 14 2001 and this is what the website showed
    How many days ago… 6531 days
    How many weeks ago… 933 weeks
    How many months ago… 214 months

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