Gold Dentures

My latest donation to Boondox triggered another letter. This time, the people in Boondox told me that their mayor just got gold dentures. Why can’t we do the same for Tortimer?

Dear Jeff, The mayor just got gold dentures. When he smiles, it's blinding. -From Boondox

I ran into Benedict outside, and he told me his outfit fits perfectly and highlights the shape of his body.

Benedict: It's like the buttons and zipper are ready to pop right off, uh-hoo!
That makes it sound like it’s small on you, and not a perfect fit…

When I spoke with Mint, she seemed disgusted by my appearance and told me I should take care of my skin. I didn’t even get stung by a bee or anything! But she said not even boys are allowed to look scruffy these days.

Mint: These days, not even boys are allowed to look scruffy, ahhhhhh!

Several minutes later, I ran into her again. She had a new nickname for me: Divine J. That’s not one that I recall seeing before.

Mint: It's Divine J!

Margie asked for a new catchphrase to replace “baconballs,” and I jumped at the chance. Baconballs is a leftover from Curly’s time in Forest, which actually ended 11 months ago. I tried to think of something new that I haven’t used as a catchphrase before, and I came up with “like gum.”

Margie: Anyway, did you need something, like gum?

I’ve posted a new Wild World video, episode 21, which shows highlights of my time in Forest from late August through early November. I hope you’ll check it out!

If you’re looking for an Animal Crossing related gift for the holidays, you might want to consider the Animal Crossing sticker book. You can buy it at Amazon, or read my thoughts about it.

Booming Metropolis

My in-game mother sent me a cute letter about the arrival of autumn today. Of course, we’re in the latter part of autumn now, and winter is approaching…but I still enjoyed the letter.

Dear Jeff, Fiery colors begin their yearly conquest of the hills, propelled by the autumn winds. Fall is the artist. -Mom

Mint asked me to deliver a letter to Margie, and I agreed to help out…but the game wouldn’t let me. That’s because my hands were grubby mail slots were full.

Mint: Just look at your grubby paws! They're full of stuff!
MY grubby paws? You were the one digging through dirt, looking for nuts all day!

Benedict thought he was going to move out of town, but I wasn’t allowing that. Don’t run away, Ben! Stay here and face your problems, you big chicken!

Benedict: Is that so? Well, if that's how you're going to react, I'll sleep on it for a while.

I remembered that Kiki often asks me for black furniture, so I bought an ebony piano and a modern dresser at Nookington’s. But after I bought them, I remembered that Kiki doesn’t live here anymore. Oops. Well, I wanted the shopping points anyway, so it’s not a problem.

When I spoke with Kabuki outside, he told me that it’s not how a guy looks that matters, it’s what’s inside that counts. At least, that’s what people tell him all the time. He then wondered if they said that because he looks nerdy. Nah, you don’t look nerdy, Kabuki.

Kabuki: Hmmm, were they saying I looked nerdy? Anyway, you can't neglect your looks.
White, red, and nerdy?

I think he was indirectly asking me to buy some clothes for him.

After selling some fruit, fossils, and furniture (and after some tree-shaking for money bags once Nook’s closed), I saved up enough money to make another million bell donation to Boondox. Phyllis informed me that Boondox is now a booming metropolis!

Phyllis: Thanks to your generosity, Boondox is a booming metropolis now!

A few other quick, minor notes about tonight:

  • Big Top wanted to visit my house, but I declined.
  • Crazy Redd had a solemn painting; I didn’t need it.
  • Rosie was still sick, so I gave her more medicine.
  • Teddy beat me in a game of rock, paper, scissors.

I haven’t had a spotlight item at Nook’s lately, but hopefully that will change soon. See you next time!

Goldie Comes Home

Teddy had something to say to me tonight, and he seemed pretty proud of it:

I don’t know what it meant, but Teddy seemed to think it was the best thing ever. He thinks it could be Catchphrase of the Year. I think this Teddy bear is just full of himself. 😛

Teddy: Whatcha think?! That's rad enough to be Catchphrase of the Year, huh!

Benedict wanted to see which one of us could catch a monarch butterfly first. Since it was too late for them to even be out, I declined the challenge. There was literally no way I could win.

Benedict: The first one to make a monarch do a split wins, uh-hoo!
You’re a strange bird, Ben.

Rosie was sick with a cold, so I gave her some medicine. She gulped it down quickly…or at least I’m assuming that’s what her “lugalugaluga” meant. 😛

Rosie: Lugalugaluga... I feel a little better! Whew! Thanks, J-town!

There was a new house in town, and I met my new neighbor inside. It was Goldie the dog! I like Goldie a lot! Maybe not quite as much as Kiki, but I definitely can’t complain. I still like all of my Wild World villagers! 🙂

Goldie: My name's Goldie, and I'm your perfect textbook Capricorn, woof.
So you’re the GOAT?

I had Blathers identify some fossils for me, I gathered and sold a bunch of fruit, and I checked Crazy Redd’s tent (he had nothing I wanted). After that, I wrapped up my game for the night.

Once the snowy season starts in December, I *might* finally try for a perfect town. The frequent snow will help keep my flowers watered, so that may be a good time to go for it. I’ll have to play near-daily for a while too (though I won’t be blogging every day), so that might also help me play on Spotlight Sale days. And that would increase my odds of getting those last couple paintings I need. We’ll see how things go!