Goldie Comes Home

Teddy had something to say to me tonight, and he seemed pretty proud of it:

I don’t know what it meant, but Teddy seemed to think it was the best thing ever. He thinks it could be Catchphrase of the Year. I think this Teddy bear is just full of himself. 😛

Teddy: Whatcha think?! That's rad enough to be Catchphrase of the Year, huh!

Benedict wanted to see which one of us could catch a monarch butterfly first. Since it was too late for them to even be out, I declined the challenge. There was literally no way I could win.

Benedict: The first one to make a monarch do a split wins, uh-hoo!
You’re a strange bird, Ben.

Rosie was sick with a cold, so I gave her some medicine. She gulped it down quickly…or at least I’m assuming that’s what her “lugalugaluga” meant. 😛

Rosie: Lugalugaluga... I feel a little better! Whew! Thanks, J-town!

There was a new house in town, and I met my new neighbor inside. It was Goldie the dog! I like Goldie a lot! Maybe not quite as much as Kiki, but I definitely can’t complain. I still like all of my Wild World villagers! 🙂

Goldie: My name's Goldie, and I'm your perfect textbook Capricorn, woof.
So you’re the GOAT?

I had Blathers identify some fossils for me, I gathered and sold a bunch of fruit, and I checked Crazy Redd’s tent (he had nothing I wanted). After that, I wrapped up my game for the night.

Once the snowy season starts in December, I *might* finally try for a perfect town. The frequent snow will help keep my flowers watered, so that may be a good time to go for it. I’ll have to play near-daily for a while too (though I won’t be blogging every day), so that might also help me play on Spotlight Sale days. And that would increase my odds of getting those last couple paintings I need. We’ll see how things go!

6 thoughts on “Goldie Comes Home”

  1. in new leaf the fishing tourney for me was a crucian carp tourney and i got 3rd with a 9.20 inch alice got second with a 10.20 inch and agnes got 1st with a 10.25 inch

  2. Nice to hear Goldie moved in unfortunately Cube moved out of my wild world town on the 10th he was my favorite he always listened to kk technopop and now that he is gone it is stuck in my head.

  3. in new leaf puck is currently in my campsite and I invited him to move in now he will be living in my town in a few days

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