Gold Dentures

My latest donation to Boondox triggered another letter. This time, the people in Boondox told me that their mayor just got gold dentures. Why can’t we do the same for Tortimer?

Dear Jeff, The mayor just got gold dentures. When he smiles, it's blinding. -From Boondox

I ran into Benedict outside, and he told me his outfit fits perfectly and highlights the shape of his body.

Benedict: It's like the buttons and zipper are ready to pop right off, uh-hoo!
That makes it sound like it’s small on you, and not a perfect fit…

When I spoke with Mint, she seemed disgusted by my appearance and told me I should take care of my skin. I didn’t even get stung by a bee or anything! But she said not even boys are allowed to look scruffy these days.

Mint: These days, not even boys are allowed to look scruffy, ahhhhhh!

Several minutes later, I ran into her again. She had a new nickname for me: Divine J. That’s not one that I recall seeing before.

Mint: It's Divine J!

Margie asked for a new catchphrase to replace “baconballs,” and I jumped at the chance. Baconballs is a leftover from Curly’s time in Forest, which actually ended 11 months ago. I tried to think of something new that I haven’t used as a catchphrase before, and I came up with “like gum.”

Margie: Anyway, did you need something, like gum?

I’ve posted a new Wild World video, episode 21, which shows highlights of my time in Forest from late August through early November. I hope you’ll check it out!

If you’re looking for an Animal Crossing related gift for the holidays, you might want to consider the Animal Crossing sticker book. You can buy it at Amazon, or read my thoughts about it.

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