Perfect Town Status!

After having near-daily snow for a while, things seem to have settled down in the precipitation department. No snow this week. Anyway, this entry covers three days of gameplay, so I’ll list each day separately.


Benedict was finally over his cold, and he gave me an exquisite rug to thank me for the 900 doses of medicine I delivered to him. 😛

Sunday was another point special at Nookington’s: Qualifying purchases gave me five times the normal amount of points! So I again bought all the furniture, wallpaper, and carpeting that Tom Nook had. Doing that took me from 6,059 points up to 7,279. I later ordered three dollies, which took me up to 8,239 points. I love bonus point days!

I made my rounds, watered flowers, and talked Goldie out of moving. I planted a few trees, and then went into town hall. At long last, I had the news I wanted to hear: Forest was now perfect!

Pelly: Forest is a great place to be! It's really come a long way!

All I have to do now is maintain my town for 15 days to get the golden watering can. That means I need to play every day for the next two weeks.


I knew my town was still perfect, because I spotted my first Jacob’s ladder!

Jeff spots a Jacob's ladder in his Animal Crossing: Wild World town of Forest, indicating perfect town status.

In addition, only one of Sunday’s trees died. So hopefully this means I won’t have to make any further changes to the trees since it was still perfect without planting any additional trees today.


Blathers was talking about taking his sister Celeste camping. His fear of bugs is so severe that one time, he saw a butterfly and needed therapy for a week.

Blathers: We go hiking, I glimpse a common butterfly and need a week of therapy...

He felt bad for all the bad times he put Celeste through, due to his irrational fear of insects.

Blathers: ...When I think of the scenes I've made, I'm simply horrified for Celeste!

Today is New Year’s Eve, and Tortimer was outside of town hall for the occasion. He told me that he was feeling punchy from counting all day.

Tortimer: I'm a little punchy from counting all day. Whooee! It goes straight to my head!

Of course, there is also a countdown timer nearby. At that moment, there were two hours and 47 minutes to go until the new year begins.

The new year's countdown timer in Animal Crossing: Wild World shows 2 hours, 47 minutes, and 4 seconds to go until the new year arrives.

Note: I don’t plan on attending the countdown.

As part of the festivities, there are festive lights on many cedar trees. It’s always kind of weird seeing them at New Year’s, when they weren’t up during Christmastime.

Festive lights adorn three cedar trees in ACWW.

Many of my villagers were also talking about the New Year’s Eve countdown. Big Top told me his new year’s resolution was to “always not look fat.”

Big Top: My resolution for next year is to always not look fat, so I gotta start off right.
You don’t look fat. You just have a big trunk.

My town status is still perfect, so it appears this won’t be hard to maintain. I’ll still keep playing every day to water flowers and pull weeds, though. I don’t want to take any chances.

Have a happy new year, everyone! 🕛🎆

Goldie’s Birthday

There has been lots of snow lately, so I’ve been playing just about every day.


I found another note in a bottle on a beach. It contained a coupon for Teddy’s Snack Shop! I didn’t even realize Teddy had a snack shop! 😂

Coupon: With 20 marks, you get a discount of 500 bells! -Teddy's Snack Shop
Can I get some Teddy Grahams?

Kabuki was all set to move out of town, but I got him to change his mind…even though he claimed his mind was more set than concrete…like gum.

Kabuki: Sorry, kid. My mind is more set than concrete, like gum.
So be like gum, and stick around.

After planting some trees, I got a different notice about the environment at town hall: Pelly told me I had too many trees!

Pelly: Hm, I'll bet the problem is that there are too many trees...
Are you sure about that?

Since not all trees that you plant will survive anyway, I decided not to dig any up. I figured I would just wait to see what she said the next day.


At town hall, Pelly was back to telling me we need more trees in town. I must be leapfrogging over “perfect” town status, because it never seems to be just right.

Rosie again asked me for pink furniture, and this time, I actually had some for her: I gave her a lovely dresser. She thanked me by giving me a manor wall in return.


I found yet another note in a bottle on the beach today; that’s the third one this week! But this one was the least interesting one of the bunch. It was just a list of pill ingredients!

Ingredients: Calories: 7. Sugar: 0 mg. Vitamin C: 100mg. Fiber: 50mg. Take 2 tablets a day.

There was a spotlight product at Nookington’s today; it was a dolly. I bought it, along with all of the other furniture.

A dolly (a spotlight product) is on sale at Nookington's in Animal Crossing: Wild World.
Evil doll alert!

Benedict was still sick, so I gave him some medicine…just as I did on Saturday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. That’s right, I’ve given him medicine five times now! Even though I’ve never tested it scientifically, I have a strong feeling that the medicine doesn’t actually make them get over their colds any quicker.

Goldie’s birthday was today, and I attended her birthday party. Mint was also there to help her celebrate. I gave Goldie the dolly as her present, and she seemed to enjoy it. But then again, she said even if I gave her belly button lint, she would have treasured that! That’s kinda gross, but okay.

Goldie: Of course, you could have given me bellybutton lint, and I'd still treasure it.

When I spoke with Mint, she acted surprised that I even came to the party.

Mint: You're here to celebrate Goldie's birthday? You're nicer than I thought!
And you’re ruder than I thought.

Dr. Shrunk was roaming around out in the snow. I stopped to say hello, but I did not ask for any new emotions.

Shrunk: Well, Dr. Shrunk's the name, self-expression's the game. A deadly serious game...
Control your emotions, Doc.

I planted nine new trees today, but Pelly still says I need more. I’ll keep working on that in the coming days. See you next time!

Silver Member

My recent snow shortage seems to be over; it’s been snowing the past several days in Forest.

Saturday was the day of Nookington’s point special; they were giving out five times the normal amount of shopping points. So I bought out all of the furniture, wallpaper, and carpets they had on sale. That took me from 3,222 points all the way up to 4,547!

Since I was so close to the 5,000 that I needed to reach silver status, I ordered a few more items from my catalog. I ran out of cash, so I had to withdraw some money from my account. But I met my goal.

Jeff, Status: Silver. Balance: 5,142.

On Sunday, I got a letter from Tom Nook in the mail. Well, actually a bunch of them, if you include all the things I ordered. 😛 But Tom Nook thanked me for the business, announced that I was a silver member, and told me I now get a 5% discount on all items. Nice!

Dear Jeff, Thanks for your continued patronage! You've earned 5,000 points, making you a Silver Member! All items 5% off! -TNPS

A model of Nook ‘n’ Go was attached to the letter. It’s too bad that New Leaf doesn’t have most of these town models that the earlier games had.

Jeff puts the Nook 'n' Go model in his house in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

Today, I got this letter from Mom in the mail:

Dear Jeff, Are you coming home for the holidays? Don't worry, we found the hamster and gave it a proper burial. Your dad cried. -Mom

What. The. Heck. Seriously, Nintendo? That’s kind of a depressing holiday letter! Poor hamster.

But then, I found a note in a bottle on the beach. I couldn’t believe it. This letter is even worse!

Listen up! If you're reading this, it's probably too late for me! Take care of things for me, would you? -Farewell
Is this from the hamster?

Two depressing letters, and on Christmas Eve of all days! Wow.

Anyway, Rosie saw me and thought I looked broke. So she gave me an illusion wall for free, and told me to sell it to get some money.

Rosie: HERE! Take this and sell it! I like you TOO MUCH to watch you sink ANY lower!

She said she was broke too, but friends have to help each other out. She’s so sweet.

Rosie: I'm kinda broke, too, but friends gotta help each other, but no!

Just a few other quick notes:

  • I gave Benedict medicine Saturday and then again today.
  • Margie tried to move out Sunday, but I stopped her.
  • Crazy Redd had a perfect painting for sale; I didn’t need it.

No change in my town status yet. I have been a bit busy with holiday stuff though, so I haven’t been planting as many trees as I need to. Hopefully at some point soon I’ll get there.

Happy holidays, everyone! Have a great Christmas (if you celebrate) and I’ll see you next time.