Testing the Golden Watering Can

Not in Mint Condition

On Thursday, Mint had her belongings all packed up. She was preparing to move out of town, and I decided to let her go. Even though I generally like Mint as a character, she had started to rub me the wrong way in Wild World (just as Static and Teddy have). I’m sure our paths will cross again in another game and we’ll get along better then.

Mint, saying goodbye: Take care of yourself!

She was still packed up on Friday, but she was gone by Saturday. This is the goodbye letter she sent me. She even insulted me on her way out of town.

Dear Jeff, I'm moving! And I'm kinda sad. Forest was good to me...although YOU were a real handful! Don't forget Mint!
She doesn’t mince her words.

Sick as a Dog

I had continued giving Goldie medicine on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. So on Saturday, she was finally feeling better. She gave me a fairy tale wall to thank me.

BFF = Best Forest Friend

Margie told me I was her best friend in Forest…so she had a special gift for me. It was her picture!

Margie: You're the best friend I've got here in Forest, so I want to give you this.

I went home to put it in my house and take a look at it. Margie’s favorite quote is “Keep your feet on the ground.” This is what my villager pic collection currently looks like:

Margie's pic is Jeff's newest addition to his villager pic collection.

Does the Golden Watering Can Water 9 Squares?

I found a spot where there were three wilted flowers near each other, so I decided to conduct a test. I wanted to see if the golden watering can waters as many spaces as it does in City Folk and New Leaf. Take a look at the layout of the wilted flowers here:

Three wilted flowers in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

I stood all the way against the tree, and then faced south so I was sure I was watering the flower directly in front of me (the center one, if you will).

The next day (Sunday, which is today), I checked the results. The two flowers that were lined up horizontally or vertically with the watered spot were revived. But the flower that was diagonal to the watered spot was dead and gone.

The results of Jeff's test: Two flowers are revived, and one is gone.

So this is what the golden watering can waters in ACWW, with “x” being the spot watered, and the green squares being the spots that receive water.

The golden watering can grid for Animal Crossing: Wild World.

So it does not water all 9 squares in Wild World, although it does in City Folk and New Leaf. That’s rather disappointing.

New House

I spotted a new house in town…that was quick! Mathilda the black kangaroo just moved in.

Mathilda: It's my first night all alone! No more stupid roommates!
Mathilda? I wonder if she’ll be a nice addition to Forest.

I’ve been continuing to give Big Top and Kabuki new green furniture when I can. Kabuki’s house in particular is really starting to look nice! It’s like a brand new house!

Kabuki's house of green furniture in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

That is one aspect of ACWW that I never fully appreciated until very recently. Each villager consistently asks for furniture of a certain color or theme, and you can watch their house come together each time you help them out. It’s surprisingly satisfying, knowing you played a big role in how their house looks.

Today, I posted a new video that takes a look at some of the typos and mistakes I’ve encountered in the Animal Crossing series. It’s only two minutes long, so I hope you’ll give it a watch!

See you all next time! 🙂

9 thoughts on “Testing the Golden Watering Can”

  1. I’m never gonna let mint move! She’s so cute! And I’m really NOT a squirrel person.

  2. Hi Jeff! I see Mint decided to leave Forest and a bittersweet taste in your mouth. Hopefully Mathilda will be nicer – still, being more sweet than Goldie seems pretty hard. Is the golden watering can better that the one you used previously? Also, have you seen that the global superstar K.K. Slider opened up for the Splatoon concert? He sang a pretty cool new tune! It gave me chills, check it out: https://youtu.be/tj5PV-cz804

    See you next time!

    1. Hi Daisy! Yeah, I’m pretty sure the regular watering can just waters one square at a time, so the gold one is still an improvement. Thanks for the link! I just checked out the first couple minutes, and I like it! I’ll watch more of it later tonight.

  3. I don’t know if your still accepting Switch friends, but I recently got my hands on one and sent a friend request. Have a great day.

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