Yay Day 2020

It’s been a full week since the last entry, and I played almost every day. A lot has happened, so I’m going to divide this entry into sections for each day.


At the start of the week, I saw Dr. Shrunk from across the river and I tried to wave to him. But even though he was (blankly) looking in my direction, he wouldn’t wave. It’s probably because he’s an NPC and not a villager, but I’m still going to take it personally.

Dr. Shrunk stands across the river from me, but won't wave to me.

I bought a lovely carpet at Nookington’s, and I mailed it to Rosie. I knew it would match her room.

Teddy again told he was going to give me a free item, and then said he forgot to bring it. I was sick of him playing this prank, so I had to pull a little prank of my own.

Teddy flips out of a pitfall in Animal Crossing: Wild World (ACWW).
I buried him.

I saw two snowballs that weren’t very far apart, so I built myself a snowman. He turned out perfect. ☃

A snowman that Jeff built in ACWW.


Rosie replied to my letter, and she sent me a palace tile. I also had a letter from the snowman; he sent me a snowman fridge. I put it in my house, replacing my regular refrigerator that I used to access my storage.

Jeff's snowman fridge is a new addition to his snowman themed room.

When I visited Rosie, I was happy to see that she installed the lovely carpet in her house.

Rosie's pink room now features a lovely carpet.


Rosie was talking about Yay Day, and she said she would have to come up with something nice to say about me that was believable! Wow, Rosie is usually so sweet, but that was pretty rude.

Rosie: I'm gonna have to come up with something nice to say about you that's believable.

Mathilda asked me for a fossil, so I gave her a fern fossil that I already had in my pockets. In return, she gave me a stone wall.


Even though I played on Thursday, nothing of interest happened. On Friday, I gave Kabuki another piece of green furniture–a green bed. He rewarded me with 710 bells.

I also gave Mathilda another fossil, an ammonite, and she gave me 510 bells.

Teddy was walking around outside, but I didn’t speak to him.


I did not play yesterday (Saturday), but I was still quite to surprised to find a goodbye letter from Teddy in the mail today!

Ooooo yeah, Jeff! Hey, yo! I gotta hit the road! There's another town that needs to see my totally huge guns! Get pumped! -Teddy

Sometimes villagers stick around for two days while they’re packed up, so it’s a bit confusing as to why that doesn’t always happen. But still, I’m glad Teddy is the one that moved out. Maybe he’s been reading my blog and saw that he wasn’t wanted. Or maybe it was the pitfall. 😂

Anyway, Today is Yay Day…the day to give villagers compliments. Big Top got things started by complimenting me…he said I was cool like a banana split.

Big Top: Hey, J-bot! You're so cool! You're like a banana split!

In return, I told him he is a superhero.

Kabuki told me I look so good that the fruit is turning to cobbler on the trees. I told him he’s a ninja. I also told Goldie she’s a good girl, I told Margie she’s a sweetie, and I told Rosie she’s a princess.

Rosie: C'mon! Say something amazing! Treat me like a pretty princess!

I was running out of compliments, so I kind of avoided Mathilda. 😛