Mint’s Personal Trainer

On Wednesday, Rosie asked for more pink furniture (surprise, surprise) and I gave her a lovely loveseat. She was outdoors, so I haven’t seen it in her house yet, but she rewarded me with a striped cone. Sadly, it was a traffic cone, not an ice cream cone. 🍦

The next day, Rosie told me she was nearing the finish line.

Rosie: I'm getting CRAZY close to the finish line now!

I’m guessing she must have a goal of having a certain number of pink furniture items in her house before she’s satisfied. I originally wasn’t a fan of the way villagers ask for the same thing over and over in Wild World. But now I’m starting to appreciate the process more.

Basically, they seem to want their house decorated a certain way, and they use us to accomplish their goal. I’ve been remembering to save my pink items for Rosie. It makes me feel more involved than if it was just a random request each time.

Note: Kabuki has been asking me for green items, so I’m starting to shop for him as well. I just wish I could have given Kiki more black furniture before she moved out.

Goldie told me that she’s been helping out Mint lately, acting as her personal trainer.

Goldie: Lately, I've been helping Mint with some personal training.

She even showed me how she does it!

Goldie: Let me show you how I do it, meooo-OH!
Goldie: You can do it, meooo-OH! Feel the burn! Feel the burn!

Goldie is so adorable! I think I like her more and more every day.

Yesterday (Friday), it was finally snowing in town for the first time this year.

As I was entering Goldie’s house, I heard the UFO flying by! But the animation of me knocking and entering Goldie’s door had already begun, so there was nothing I could do. It’s too bad I didn’t notice a second earlier; I was far enough north that I may have had a chance at it!

Well at least it confirmed that 1) UFOs can come on Fridays in Wild World, and 2) UFOs can come while it’s snowing.

Today (Saturday) is La-Di-Day, and several of my villagers had songs to sing for me. Big Top was the first one to audition.

Big Top: All right, focus your attention, if you will, to my gut, villain!
Ol’ Lyle back there looks shocked. Bang.

Because elephants “sing” tunes with a booming percussiony “voice,” it’s hard to tell what the actual notes are. So I didn’t hire him; I wanted to hear some more songs first.

I ran into Rosie, and she gave me a lovely carpet for free. This is something that would match her pink room, though! Oh well.

Kabuki performed a song for me, and it was the Super Mario theme! But I hear that all the time in Mushroom, so I didn’t need it here too. I entered Margie’s house, and she also sang a song for me.

Margie: Would you care for a little live concert, tootie?

Even though her song, like Big Top’s, was too full of booming drum hits to detect much of a melody, I went ahead and hired her. It will be the new town tune in Forest.

Nookington’s didn’t have any pink items for Rosie today, but I did buy two green items for Kabuki. Unfortunately, Kabuki didn’t bring up the topic even though I chatted with him many times. I’ll save them for another day.

I put up a new ACWW video episode today! It covers events from November and December. I hope you’ll check it out. 🙂

Gold Member

This entry covers a whopping six days of playing, so let’s get right into it. Note: It didn’t snow on any of them.


The arrival of 2020 brought me a mailbox full of New Year’s greetings. That included letters from all eight of my villagers, and Mom. Mom sent me 10,000 bells! That’s 10 times as generous as my Mom in City Folk. 😛 While most of the letters were very nice, Mint’s letter had a minty fresh scent of rudeness.

To my friend, Jeff, Happy New Year! I'm gonna just be me this year. You should try that, too! It would be an improvement! 01/01/2020! -Mint

Just east of Big Top’s house, I spotted my 2nd Jacob’s ladder! The town status is still perfect, I see.

Jeff's 2nd Jacob's ladder in the ACWW town of Forest.

There was a spotlight product at Nookington’s, a black queen. I bought it, and everything else, as I continue to buy out the store every day.

Tortimer got up off his butt for New Year’s Day, and he handed me my fortune. It was all good! Apparently, I’m super lucky.

Your fortune: Super Lucky. Dreams: It's possible. Love: Prepare for joy! Health: It's all good. Luck favors the foolish.

Margie was hungover sick, so I filled up her trunk with medicine.


I found a note in the bottle on the beach, from “my friend Tom.” He said he was looking forward to seeing me. But is this from Tom Nook or Tom the cat?

Dear Some Stranger, Hi! How's it going? I'm looking forward to seeing you! Bye! -Your friend, Tom.

There was another spotlight product again today, a cabin bookcase. I’m pretty shocked to see spotlight products two days in a row!

When I came out of Nook’s shop, Mint asked me about wristwatches. She gave me some choices to say what role wristwatches played in my life, and I said they were a “convenience.” Mint responded that wristwatches symbolize friendship. So Big Top, who I couldn’t even see, chimed in and claimed I said that friends are just watches. What?!

Big Top, standing behind Able Sisters: So according to you, J-bot, friends are just watches.

So Mint got mad and called me a big, unfeeling robot. All because I said wristwatches were a convenience.

Mint: You think Big Top is just a watch?! YOU'RE JUST A BIG, UNFEELING ROBOT!

Between this and the New Year’s letter, I’m starting to not like Mint so much. Once I get Teddy out of town, Mint may be next.

Anyway, Gracie was in town. I took her quiz and earned another Fashionista badge. I talked to her a few more times until she asked for a donation. I gave her 5,000 bells, and she did this to me:

Gracie, watching Jeff put on a caveman tunic: Ready...and GO!

She gave me a caveman tunic and a paperboy cap. And she calls this stylish?

Margie was still sick, so I gave her another dose of medicine.


Benedict asked me for a fossil today, but he had something specific in mind.

Benedict: Of course, it would have to be a fossil of the pachycephalosaurus!
That’s a mouthful.

Wendell was in town, and he was starving (as usual). I caught a squid for him and he scarfed it down. To thank me, he gave me a “home” pattern. It looks like a house within a house. Or is it a house within an arrow?

The home pattern from Wendell in Animal Crossing: Wild World (ACWW).

Margie was over her cold, so she gave me some old flooring to thank me for the medicine.

At the museum, Blathers told me that his sister Celeste was very supportive of his attempts to overcome his fear of bugs. However, she saw that he was struggling too much, so she told him it was okay to be afraid of bugs. Blathers thought that was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to him. He said he was very proud of his little sister.

Blathers: The pride I feel for my little sister... Well, it cannot be quantified, wot!


It was another point special day, so I was able to earn five times the normal amount of points once again! Buying out the store got me up to 10,488 points. That’s enough to make me a gold member! Yeah, baby!

Rosie asked me for pink furniture (again), and I gave her a pink box that I bought at the store. She gave me 500 bells in return.


I received a letter in the mail informing me that I am officially a gold member at Nook’s. I will now receive a 10% discount on all items.

Dear Jeff, How wonderful! You have earned a whopping 10,000 points, making you a Gold Member! All items 10% off! -TNPS

There was a model of Nookway attached to the letter, and I put it in my house.

The Nookway model, next to the Nook 'n' Go model, in Jeff's ACWW house.


At Nookington’s today, I bought a lunar lander for the space room in my house.

Rosie asked me for even more pink furniture, and fortunately for her, I had another pink box to give her. I wasn’t sure if she would accept it, since she already has one, but she did. And she gave me 500 bells for it. Her pink room is really starting to come together.

Rosie's house, with four pink furniture items.

I found a third Jacob’s ladder today, but I guess I don’t need to post a picture of every one I get. 😂

Not much else happened today, and this entry is quite long already anyway, so I think I’ll wrap this up for now. I’ll probably be back later this week with another entry. See you then!