Rosie Out

Last Wednesday, Tom Nook had some dialogue about going into business. He said to diversify to reduce risk, and he also warned me not to trust anybody. Good advice.

Tom Nook: Trust no one!

I didn’t play Thursday, but on Friday, I got a goodbye letter in the mail. From Rosie.

Dearest Jeff, I've moved! Yeah, this lame town was TOTALLY cramping my style. I'll see you around! Bye! -From Rosie

No warning, no notice, and she dissed my town on the way out. Bad kitty.

On Saturday, Tom Nook had some additional dialogue for me. He advised me never to loan money to a friend, because they won’t pay it back and we’ll become enemies.

Tom Nook: If a friend approaches you asking for help, you must be firm and say no!
Tom Nook: Even the most solid friendships become fragile when money is involved, hm?
Good thing I didn’t loan any money to Rosie.

A new villager has galloped into town, and it’s Victoria! I’ve had her in City Folk before, and I like her. She’s a cute horse.

Victoria: Jeff? Aha! I knew it! I knew you'd have a cool name! I'm Victoria!

But when I spoke to her a second time, she got a bit agitated. Maybe I spoke too soon about liking her. I guess we’ll see as time goes on.

Victoria: What... What do you want?! Um, hello? I haven't even finished unpacking!

Today, Victoria asked me to deliver a letter to the other horse in town, Buck. What am I, the Pony Express? Still, I took the letter to Buck, and he read it right away.

Buck: This could be an urgent muscle emergency! I better read it now, pardner!
Of course, of course!

When I returned to Victoria, she rewarded me with some cloud flooring.

Platinum Member

Last Monday, I found Pascal standing near the mouth of the river. He told me not to count my clams before they’re shucked, and then he gave me a sea view wallpaper and jumped into the water.

Pascal: Don't count your clams before they're shucked, maaannn.

On Tuesday, I noticed that Rosie only had four pieces of pink furniture left! Is she clearing it all out after I went to all that effort to help her? Ugh. What’s more, she told me she’s looking for fossils now. She even called me a “jerkhead” because she assumed I wouldn’t think fossils are cute. That’s really rude, Rosie.

Rosie: FINE THEN, JERKHEAD! I don't CARE what you think! I KNOW they're adorable!
You’re being the only jerkhead here.

But Rosie wasn’t the only one who changed their furniture requests. Benedict, who previously wanted fossils, started asking me for red furniture. I started off by giving him a maple bonsai.

Saharah was in town on Thursday. I helped her out by delivering a carpet to Tom Nook. I then continued making my rounds, planning to talk to Saharah when I ran into her again. However, I didn’t run into her again, and I ultimately forgot about making the other delivery! I didn’t even realize until just now as I’m writing this entry! Oops! Sorry, Saharah!

Yesterday (Saturday) was a special 5x bonus point day at Nookington’s. I bought out the store (as I’ve been doing every day), and then I was just 420 points short!

Points required to reach platinum status: 420.

I looked through my catalog to find something expensive to buy, and I saw that the black katana cost a whopping 10,800 bells! I ordered it, and that kicked my point balance up to 20,120 points…enough for platinum status! Woohoo!

Congratulations. You have achieved the highest member status, Jeff.

At town hall, I found a plesio skull in the recycle bin. That’s about the easiest 4,000 bells I ever earned!

Today (Sunday), I got a letter officially announcing my platinum membership. I’ll now earn a 20% discount at the store. And more importantly, I won’t need to keep buying everything I see any more.

Dear Jeff, Congratulations! You've earned 20,000 points. You're now an honorary Platinum Member! All items 20% off! -TNPS

A Nookington’s model was attached to the letter, so I put it in my house. I was surprised to see how big it is: It takes up two spaces!

Jeff's Nookington's model, next to his Nookway and Nook 'n' Go models.

It’s even bigger than the Nookington’s model in City Folk!

I’ve continued to give Benedict red furniture, including a watermelon table and a gas pump.

Mathilda was packed up to move out of town, but I decided to stop her. Even though I still don’t particularly like or dislike her, I know she hasn’t lived in town long enough to give her a fair chance. Unfortunately, it took me nearly five minutes of attempts before I got her to change her mind.

I recently posted another video episode, which shows much of Yay Day and other recent highlights.

Goldie’s Pic, Golden Rose

On Wednesday, Buck told me he would give me his modern wall for free. But then he did what Teddy has done so many times, and he changed his mind!

Buck: ...Hey, on second thought... it's really not your color, so never mind, pardner!
Keep this up and you’ll be galloping out of town.

On Thursday, Buck accused me of wanting to snoop through his things. In particular, he said I wanted to try on his unitards!

Buck: You wanna find my unitard stash and try 'em on, don't you, pardner?!
No, I prefer a tutu. jk

I promise this entire entry isn’t going to be about Buck. But yesterday, he was talking about how funny it would be if Benedict and Kabuki were brothers. Yeah, since one is a chicken and one is a cat, that would be pretty odd.

Buck: Wouldn't it be funny if Benedict and Kabuki turned out to be brothers?

And then he said it would hilarious if they were actually sisters!

Buck: Then again, it would be HILARIOUS if they were sisters, pardner!

Okay, that’s enough nonsense from Buck for this entry. Other things were going on, too. Last week, I got one of my black roses out of storage and planted it outside of my house. Yesterday, it was finally wilted…so I watered it with my golden watering can.

I found a note in a bottle on the beach, and it contained a horoscope. It advised me to wear big shoes and do the chicken dance repeatedly. Uh, no thanks.

Daily Horoscope: Because Mars is entering Capricorn, you should wear big shoes and do the chicken dance. Repeatedly. -Astrocon Industries

Goldie really surprised me by giving me her picture! Goldie is so sweet!

Goldie: It's nothing much. Just a picture of me, meooo-OH, but I hope you like it!

I took it home and put it in my villager photo room.

Jeff's room of villager pictures, including the new one from Goldie.

I was surprised when I read Goldie’s quote…it’s about her liking a dog on the cover of Nintendogs! I was definitely not expecting that!

Quote on Goldie's pic: I'm really into that Lab on the cover of Nintendogs. He's pretty dreamy.

Today (Sunday), that wilted black rose from yesterday has transformed into my first golden rose!

Jeff's first golden rose in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

Nookington’s had a lovely wall, so I bought it and mailed it to Rosie. I’ll have to see if she puts it in her house next time!

It’s the last day of Bright Nights, and that’s fine by me. Most of the outdoor villagers just talked about their decorations all week, so a lot of the conversations were a bit boring and repetitive.

Since last week, I’ve posted another Wild World video episode. This one covers events that took place from January 6-16, including me receiving my golden watering can. Check it out if you’d like, and I’ll see you next time.