Rosie Out

Last Wednesday, Tom Nook had some dialogue about going into business. He said to diversify to reduce risk, and he also warned me not to trust anybody. Good advice.

Tom Nook: Trust no one!

I didn’t play Thursday, but on Friday, I got a goodbye letter in the mail. From Rosie.

Dearest Jeff, I've moved! Yeah, this lame town was TOTALLY cramping my style. I'll see you around! Bye! -From Rosie

No warning, no notice, and she dissed my town on the way out. Bad kitty.

On Saturday, Tom Nook had some additional dialogue for me. He advised me never to loan money to a friend, because they won’t pay it back and we’ll become enemies.

Tom Nook: If a friend approaches you asking for help, you must be firm and say no!
Tom Nook: Even the most solid friendships become fragile when money is involved, hm?
Good thing I didn’t loan any money to Rosie.

A new villager has galloped into town, and it’s Victoria! I’ve had her in City Folk before, and I like her. She’s a cute horse.

Victoria: Jeff? Aha! I knew it! I knew you'd have a cool name! I'm Victoria!

But when I spoke to her a second time, she got a bit agitated. Maybe I spoke too soon about liking her. I guess we’ll see as time goes on.

Victoria: What... What do you want?! Um, hello? I haven't even finished unpacking!

Today, Victoria asked me to deliver a letter to the other horse in town, Buck. What am I, the Pony Express? Still, I took the letter to Buck, and he read it right away.

Buck: This could be an urgent muscle emergency! I better read it now, pardner!
Of course, of course!

When I returned to Victoria, she rewarded me with some cloud flooring.

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