The Buck Stops Here

Last week, the snow all melted and grass is green once again!

Pascal was in town last Friday, and told me about the time Opportunity knocked at his door.

Pascal: So the other day, this dude came knockin' on my door.
Pascal: He said 'Open up, bro! It's Opportunity!'

But Pascal didn’t go to the door, and Opportunity never came back. :p

Pascal: And I said, 'Dude, you'll be back!' And he never came back, maaannn.

Pascal then gave me a keg and jumped into the ocean.

Victoria was all packed up and ready to move out of town, but I didn’t want her to go so soon. So I changed her mind…even though it took me over seven minutes of non-stop attempts to do it. Ugh, what a pain.

Yesterday, I found a note in a bottle that told me I won a trip around the world. I just needed to make a deposit first. Hmm, sounds fishy.

Note in a bottle: CONGRATULATIONS! You're the winner of a trip around the world! Please make your deposit as soon as possible! -Shady Waves
That sounds shady, alright.

Margie told me she stopped by the museum and saw Blathers sleeping standing up. That’s nothing new.

Margie: After lunch, I stopped by the museum, and Blathers was sleeping standing up!

But then, she said he can spin his head in all sorts of crazy directions! I knew owls could do that, but I’ve never seen Blathers do it! That’s a funny detail I’d love to see in New Horizons or a future Animal Crossing game!

Margie: On top of that, he can spin his head in all sorts of crazy directions!

Goldie has been sick, so I gave her some medicine both yesterday and today.

Today, Buck was all packed up. I’m letting him go, to ride off into the sunset. The Buck stops here.

Buck: You've been cool and all, but it's time to ROLL, baby! Rock on, pardner!

There was a spotlight product at Nookington’s today, the first one I’ve seen in a while. However, it was just a robo-stereo, so I didn’t byte on the offer.

Last week, I posted the latest Wild World episode. With help from the Able Sisters, Big Top gets a cape and finally becomes the superhero he’s always wanted to be.