No Longer Perfect

Today was my first time playing in over a week, and as you might expect, most of my flowers were gone or wilted. With New Horizons here now, I’m not going to bother maintaining what few flowers I have left in Wild World.

I’ve been wearing the King Tut mask wig lately, and since it’s cursed, I will sometimes fall on my face when running.

Jeff, wearing a King Tut wig,

Lyle will send insurance payments after you fall (but how does he know?), although 100 bells isn’t exactly a sum worth getting excited over. 😛

I ran into Goldie outside, and she said I was looking good today. Considering this “wig” completely covers my face and head, how would she know how I look? Unless she thinks that is my face! And in that case, wouldn’t she know that’s not how I normally look? Oh well, maybe I shouldn’t get all wrapped up in questions like this.

Goldie: Heya, bunny. You're looking good today, meooo-OH!

I found Kabuki trying to move out of town today. Even though he’s a big grump, and he’s not always very pleasant, I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to him just yet. So I got him to reconsider.

Kabuki: Thanks for sticking with me. It's nice to be wanted. Maybe I'll reconsider...

I sold my daily fossils (well, at least the two that I found) and I gathered and sold some fruit as well. When my pockets reached 100k, I deposited that amount into my bank account. My balance is currently half a million bells, and once it reaches a million, I’ll make another donation to Boondox. But that might be a while now that I’m back to playing just once a week.

Out of curiosity, I checked on my town status. With most of my flowers gone, my status is no longer perfect. But the curious part is that Pelly didn’t say I needed more greenery. Instead, she said I have too many trees!

Pelly: Hm, I'll bet the problem is that there are too many trees...

The number of trees in my town has not changed in months. But having an abundance of flowers can offset other flaws, and that’s apparently what happened here. Now that my flower numbers are reduced significantly, they no longer offset the flaw I didn’t know I had–too many trees.

If you’d like to read more frequent Animal Crossing blog entries, please head over to my New Horizons Blog, where I’ve been updating every day! Hope to see you there!

2 thoughts on “No Longer Perfect”

  1. So there needs to be a balance between the number of flowers and trees to achieve “perfect” status? Wish I’d known that back when I played Wild World.

    1. Honestly, I’m not sure. Flowers can certainly help by offsetting other flaws. But I can’t say if they’re absolutely required if you do the trees just perfectly right. I know in GameCube, flowers weren’t required. But in City Folk, they are.

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