Flower Fest 2020

The Flower Fest is underway this week. I found Tortimer standing outside of town hall, but he would only talk about how tired his feet are! I talked to him many, many times and that’s all he would say!

Tortimer: Oh, Jeff... I'm so tired. My feet ache from standing here all day...
So go inside and sit down. It’s not like you’re helping anyone anyway.

Victoria was nearby, and she said I should keep slacking, so that she can win the Flower Fest again this year.

Victoria: I hope you keep slackin', 'cause then I'll win again this year!

Excuse me? Again? For one thing, you didn’t even live here last year. And secondly, I was the Flower Fest winner last year!

Margie was all packed up, trying to escape from Forest to go join the circus. But I got her to reconsider…after four and a half minutes of begging her not to go, that is. But yeah, I showed her! 😛

Margie: Jeff, if you want me here so badly, I'll think about it. But no promises!

When I ran into Victoria again, she was still talking about flowers…but in a different way. She was wondering what it would be like to be a flower.

Victoria: If I wanna be a flower, I better get used to sitting in the soil, I ate it!

After making my rounds, I collected and sold several loads of fruit. Crazy Redd was not in town this week, due to the Flower Fest.