Mochi Mansion

Big Top told me about a dream he had the other night. He said he lived in a mansion that looked like a castle, but it was made out of mochi (a Japanese rice cake). So he never got hungry. 😛

Big Top: In the dream, I was living in this huge, castle-lookin' house. Yeah, like a mansion.

While I was picking up fruit near Able Sisters, I saw (and heard) a UFO. Unfortunately, it was almost to the edge of town and I was too far away to have a chance at it, so I didn’t even bother running up.

I’m noticing that I see more random UFOs in Wild World than I did in City Folk. I think the main reason is that in Wild World, you can see/hear them from anywhere in town. In City Folk, you have to be near them to even hear them. I know I still need to shoot one down in Wild World, but I’ll have to prepare to go UFO hunting at some point. 😛 And that probably won’t be anytime soon, since I’m playing a lot of New Horizons right now.

I saw Antonio over by the bulletin board, so I went to chat with him. But as I did, and the tree blocking my sight disappeared, I was surprised to see not only two villagers, but two nets. For a split second, I wasn’t sure what I was looking at. 😛

Antonio and Mathilda, both holding nets, standing next to each other.

I didn’t even realize that Mathilda was standing there with him. Antonio just said that if I wanted to catch a flea, a net might not be my best choice. But I wonder what Antonio and Mathilda were doing there behind that tree…catching fleas off each other? I doubt it. 😛

Meanwhile, Victoria was so hungry that she could eat a horse house.

Victoria: Your house, I ate it! What the heck's going on?! It got SOOOO big!

Surprisingly, nobody tried to move out of town this week. Have a great day, and I’ll see you next time!