Froggy Chair

Nookington’s had a froggy chair for sale today for just 960 bells. I snatched it up for my pad. I’m happy to report that it farts in Wild World, like all true froggy chairs should.

Timmy: Ah, yes, yes. That's the froggy chair. Very nice. ...very nice.

Crazy Redd was in town, with a perfect painting. But of course, I didn’t need it.

Big Top asked me to catch a crucian carp for him, because it would look really good in a sandwich. But I didn’t want to help him out. I’m still bitter about that time I caught a fish for him and then he said he already caught one. 😛

Big Top: The crucian carp would look really nice in a sandwich, villain!

Antonio asked me to make a delivery to Goldie, and I agreed to help out. It took me a while to find Goldie (she was hiding behind town hall), but I did make it within Antonio’s 10-minute deadline.

The gift was a bear shirt, and Goldie just thought it was okay. When I told Antonio the news, he gave me a lovely carpet to thank me.

Kabuki asked me for some new clothes, so I bought a night sky tee for him at Able Sisters. Kabuki loved it! As a reward, he gave me a star shirt.

Kabuki: I'm totally into it, meooo-OH. It's perfect!

Double Dino Poop

The latest Message of the Week on the bulletin board encouraged readers to take a break, and not pick fruit all day. I think this could also apply to New Horizons players who are hard at work reshaping their islands. 😛 Sometimes you just need a break.

*Message of the Week* Hey! You! Take a break! Don't pick fruit all day!

Margie had her furniture packed up in her trunk boxes tonight; she was trying to move out of town! But fortunately, I was able to quickly talk her out of it.

Margie: Maybe I should stay after all...tootie.

I found two of today’s fossils, and I took them to Blathers to be identified. Surprisingly, they were both dino droppings!

Blathers: This delightful fossil is some dino droppings! And a rather nice one, wot!
So a butterfly is gross to him, but he sure loves that dino poop.

Mathilda asked me to make a delivery to Big Top, and I agree to hop on over to his house. Mathilda sent him a vegetarian shirt, and Big Top just seemed to think it was alright. Mathilda rewarded me with an exotic screen for helping her out.

I ran into Antonio, and he was talking about the existence of a golden watering can. He didn’t want one of those though; he wants a pink one.

Antonio: Listen, keep it on the down-low, but I really dig the color pink...

Maybe he’ll have to play New Horizons and customize it himself! 😛

Not So Fast!

Not long after starting up the game tonight, I realized something was wrong. In fact, last week’s blog entry was wrong! Mathilda did not waltz away after all. She’s still living in Forest!

Mathilda: Phew! It's not easy being so pretty, roo'd. It's hard work!

I thought I was letting her leave last week! I still had video of last week’s session, so I went back to check her reactions each time I told her to stay. This is what she said:

  1. Don’t try to stop me! My life depends on it!
  2. I won’t be able to get away from this place if you keep saying that!
  3. It’s not you, it’s me. I knew you’d understand…

Number 2 must’ve been the one that changed her mind. But I was always under the impression that it was the last thing they say that determines whether they stay or go. Apparently that’s not the case…unless number 3 doesn’t mean what I thought. I don’t know if posting this will help any of you with potential move-outs, but I figured it doesn’t hurt to document it. In the meantime, I still have Mathilda in my town.

When I spoke with Antonio, he was discussing the “brain freeze” you get after a cold drink. Not only does he claim to love brain freeze, but he thinks it actually makes him smarter!

Antonio: Y'know, the moment that ache starts in my sinuses and creeps into my brain...
Antonio: I just FEEL myself getting smarter and smarterer... honk!

Big Top asked me for an amazing outfit that will knock everyone’s socks off. I went to Able Sisters and decided to buy a spade shirt for him. While I was there, I spoke with Sable, and she gave me some advice: She said the quickest way to get something done is to just do it.

Sable: The shortest route to getting something done is to just do it!

A bit obvious perhaps, but it’s certainly true! 😉

Down at the Roost, I checked out a musical performance by K.K. Slider. I asked him for a random song, and he played “To the Edge” for me. It’s a bit boring and repetitive; not my favorite song.

After that, I took the spade shirt over to Big Top. However, he said it wasn’t “daring” enough and he refused it! Ugh. Fine then, no shirt for you!

Big Top: I want something that's daring! Something that'll make people's hearts race!
Try bungee-jumping off town hall then.