Double Dino Poop

The latest Message of the Week on the bulletin board encouraged readers to take a break, and not pick fruit all day. I think this could also apply to New Horizons players who are hard at work reshaping their islands. 😛 Sometimes you just need a break.

*Message of the Week* Hey! You! Take a break! Don't pick fruit all day!

Margie had her furniture packed up in her trunk boxes tonight; she was trying to move out of town! But fortunately, I was able to quickly talk her out of it.

Margie: Maybe I should stay after all...tootie.

I found two of today’s fossils, and I took them to Blathers to be identified. Surprisingly, they were both dino droppings!

Blathers: This delightful fossil is some dino droppings! And a rather nice one, wot!
So a butterfly is gross to him, but he sure loves that dino poop.

Mathilda asked me to make a delivery to Big Top, and I agree to hop on over to his house. Mathilda sent him a vegetarian shirt, and Big Top just seemed to think it was alright. Mathilda rewarded me with an exotic screen for helping her out.

I ran into Antonio, and he was talking about the existence of a golden watering can. He didn’t want one of those though; he wants a pink one.

Antonio: Listen, keep it on the down-low, but I really dig the color pink...

Maybe he’ll have to play New Horizons and customize it himself! 😛

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