Wendell the starving artist (and walrus) was in town tonight. I caught a sea bass and gave it to the hungry little guy. In return, he gave me a caution pattern.
This is what it looks like:
Benedict was all packed up and ready to move out of town, but I got him to reconsider.
Nookington’s had a spotlight product available today, and it was a mummy’s casket. That’s not a painting like I was hoping for, but it is pretty cool…so I spent the 3,520 bells to buy it.
Since the store was about to close in less than 15 minutes, I decided to gather and sell as much foreign fruit as I could in that span. But after the shop closed, I didn’t stop gathering until I had picked every apple and pear tree in town. So I still have a bunch of fruit waiting to be sold the next time I play. 🍎🍐
Just a few other notes about tonight’s play session:
- Victoria was sick with a cold, so I gave her some medicine.
- I delivered a green vest from Antonio to Big Top. Antonio rewarded me with 520 bells.
- I shook some trees and got a flying saucer and a reel-to-reel from them.
I read the title and though Lucky had moved in! 😂
I have Antonio in both my Animal Crossing towns right now, Wild World and New Horizons! Antonio is cool