Mathilda’s Pic

Pascal was in town today, and he was wondering if Tom Nook sells land legs! I don’t think that’s how it works. 😉

Pascal: Oh, maaaannn...I wonder if that dude Nook sells land legs.

He then offered to share some wisdom with me. He said that one man’s loss is another otter’s lunch.

Pascal: One man's loss is another otter's lunch, maaannn.

Before jumping off into the sea, he handed me a ship compass.

When I visited Victoria, she thanked me for the medicine I gave her last time. As a reward, she gave me a trash bin.

Victoria: OK, here you go! Trash bin!

I then delivered a letter from Benedict to Antonio, and Ben rewarded me with 520 bells.

Mathilda surprised me by giving me her picture! She said now everyone will think I have a crush on her.

Mathilda: Now everyone will think you've got a crush on me! Tee hee hee!

It’s just ridiculous how easy it is to get villager photos in this game, compared to New Leaf and New Horizons. I wasn’t even trying to get her pic, I only play once a week, and I rarely do any favors for her. Yet, here’s her pic, just like that. I put it in my house with the others. Her favorite quote is “Blood is thicker than water.”

My room of villager photos, now with Mathilda's pic.

I made sure to sell all the fruit I left on the ground last time. I also harvested a bunch more fruit. In total, I earned about 120,000 bells on the day. Next week, I should have enough for another million-bell donation to Boondox (assuming Nook’s isn’t closed by the time I play). 😛

5 thoughts on “Mathilda’s Pic”

  1. I’ve invested so many hours into Wild World that eventually I found out a pretty good strategy to get villager’s pictures. Once you’re friends with them, which here just means you’ve spoken to them a bunch, find a corner of your town (outside only though, not inside a building) that is really out-of-the-way, where no one ever really goes, and hide out there. I usually closed my DS and did other stuff for about an hour or so. Then come back and run throughout town (carefully, to avoid triggering more than one animal at a time) and let a villager “ping” you. They often will, if you’ve been outside for long enough without talking to them. Sometimes it will be a silly ping of course, but other times it’ll be the picture event ping! I got a lot of villager pics this way. 😉

    1. I have a question. If we aren’t getting a new Mario plays ACCf video,can you at least tell me who bobs replacement is.

        1. Hey Jeff! I have a SURPRISING villager in my town! (I play by mobile, so you can’t visit me.) Her name is… *drum rolls* TABBY!!!! And I need to say… I LIKE THIS GIRL! (And if you were wondering, she’s Freckles’ replacement!) And oh- I got Kitt! She’s like a second mom to meeee! (Lily left months ago and got replaced my Melba, but she left weeks later)! But the focus is Tabby! I LOVE HER, SIR!

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