Talking Coffee

Pascal was in town today, and he told me that salespeople sell their truth at half off. That’s an interesting way of looking at it…and he’s basically right.

Pascal: Maaannn, salespeople sell their truth at half off.

He then gave me a sea view (wallpaper) and jumped into the ocean.

I visited Goldie, and she told me a story about one time she tried doing some tae kwon do with a mouth full of banana bread. It turned out that the banana bread got stuck in her throat! Oh no, poor doggy!

Goldie: ...It got stuck in my throat! It was terrible!

It was nearly 11 p.m. when I started the game up tonight, so I didn’t have much chance to sell things. In fact, I only managed to sell one load of fruit (plus the sea view from Pascal). Even with me finding the money rock later, I only made a total of 14k on the day. Not good.

Kabuki was sick, and I couldn’t buy any medicine for him. However, I checked my storage at home and found one dose of medicine there. I took it over to Kabuki; get well soon!

Kabuki: Phew... I'm finally feelin' a little less delirious, meooo-OH.

At town hall, Phyllis had some dialogue about coffee for me! She asked if I was a coffee drinker. I am.

Phyllis: Are you a coffee drinker? 'Cause I don't trust people who aren't!

She told me I should go to the Roost and get a cup of the best coffee in town. (It’s also the only coffee in town). 😉

So I did go down to the Roost, and I was very surprised to see Harriet there! I don’t think I’ve seen her there before, in any game!

Harriet: I already know whatever you were going to say. Call it a stylist's intuition.
I was going to tell you that you’ve been replaced by a mirror.

Have a good night, everyone! See you next time.