Negative Juan

Tonight, Big Top was telling me that he has a monthly subscription to Chillin’ magazine. But he said that keeping them all takes up too much space (even though his house looks fairly empty), so he just cuts out the good pages.

Big Top: But keeping 'em all takes up too much space, so I just cut out the good pages.

Crazy Redd was in town…and I really wish he came every week in New Horizons like he does in Wild World. 😛 He had a moving painting for sale, but I didn’t need it.

When I spoke with Antonio, he told me that he has named his abs! They’re named Joe, Tony, Bud, Ted, Rod, and…Negative Juan.

Antonio: I named each of 'em, too! Meet Joe, Tony, Bud, Ted, Rod, and Negative Juan!

I’ve seen a jock in New Horizons (I think it was Louie) also name his abs. Except he used names that started with “Ab,” like Abigail, Abner, etc.

But I’m not sure I understand the significance of these ab names. Well, Joe is likely a reference to Joe Six-Pack (meaning an ordinary/average man). But I’m not sure about the others …especially Negative Juan. I know it sounds like the number (negative one), but…I guess I can’t work out the meaning. 😛

Kabuki was packed up and ready to move away…but I couldn’t let him go. I just didn’t want him to leave just yet.

I gathered some fruit, caught a few good bugs, and fished in a red snapper. I made about 60,000 bells for the night.

I caught the atlas beetle!

Kabuki’s Pic

Mom sent me a letter in the mail telling me that the huge tree in the backyard is dead now. Thanks for trying to cheer me up, Mom.

Dear Jeff, Do you remember the huge tree in the backyard? Well, it's dead now. Poor tree. -Love, Mom

At least she attached an apple (a foreign fruit) to the letter. I also received a letter from Wishy the star, and he sent me a modern cabinet.

Benedict found another can of expired food, and he asked me to open it. This time, I declined. So Benedict called me a judgmental jerk!

Benedict: What! That's so mean! J-town, you're a judgmental jerk!

When I visited Victoria, she was talking about her interests…including eating candy.

Victoria: Wait! I'm really not a pig. I just like candy. Is that such a crime?!

And this was one of those times when her catchphrase “I ate it” really fit the situation.

Victoria: There's nothing here for you to take, I ate it!

Kabuki was the last of my villagers that I ran into tonight. And he surprised me by giving me his picture!

Kabuki: Here... Take this picture of me. It's all yours!

I guess I shouldn’t have been too surprised, because he has lived in town for a year and three months. But I just wasn’t expecting it. I took it back to my house. His favorite quote on the back is “Hoo-ha konichiwa!”

My villager photo room, now with Kabuki's pic.

That was my 16th villager picture. It looks like Benedict and Antonio are the only two current villagers whose pictures I don’t have yet. Hmm, maybe I should have opened up Benedict’s gross can of expired food after all. Oh well. See you next time!

Old Nicknames Are New Again

Goldie told me she was out collecting shells tonight. She was talking about Tom Nook, and she said that he had a wild past. Or at least that’s what Sable told her. So I went in Able Sisters to see if Sable had any juicy gossip for me, but she didn’t. 😛

Goldie: But he's a man with a wild past, meooo-OH!

Big Top was packed up and ready to move away, but I was able to change his mind.

It’s Saturday night, so I went down to the Roost to hear some live music. K.K. Slider performed the song Pondering for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: Pondering!

After the show, I ran into Goldie again outside. She pinged me, hit me with a “Hey bunny,” and wanted to suggest a new nickname for me.

Goldie: I was just trying to think up a good nickname for you, bunny.

Her suggestion for a new nickname? Bunny!

Goldie: Bunny! Doesn't that have a nice ring to it, meooo-OH?

I told her that was fine, even though it sure sounded a lot like the old nickname. 😉 Well at least she’s not making me bounce around from one nickname to the next.

While I didn’t really go bug-hunting like I do in City Folk, I did spot (and catch) an elephant beetle.

I caught an elephant beetle! The heavyweight of beetles!

Shortly before wrapping up my night, I heard a single shooting star and wished upon it.

A shooting star in Animal Crossing: Wild World.