Negative Juan

Tonight, Big Top was telling me that he has a monthly subscription to Chillin’ magazine. But he said that keeping them all takes up too much space (even though his house looks fairly empty), so he just cuts out the good pages.

Big Top: But keeping 'em all takes up too much space, so I just cut out the good pages.

Crazy Redd was in town…and I really wish he came every week in New Horizons like he does in Wild World. 😛 He had a moving painting for sale, but I didn’t need it.

When I spoke with Antonio, he told me that he has named his abs! They’re named Joe, Tony, Bud, Ted, Rod, and…Negative Juan.

Antonio: I named each of 'em, too! Meet Joe, Tony, Bud, Ted, Rod, and Negative Juan!

I’ve seen a jock in New Horizons (I think it was Louie) also name his abs. Except he used names that started with “Ab,” like Abigail, Abner, etc.

But I’m not sure I understand the significance of these ab names. Well, Joe is likely a reference to Joe Six-Pack (meaning an ordinary/average man). But I’m not sure about the others …especially Negative Juan. I know it sounds like the number (negative one), but…I guess I can’t work out the meaning. 😛

Kabuki was packed up and ready to move away…but I couldn’t let him go. I just didn’t want him to leave just yet.

I gathered some fruit, caught a few good bugs, and fished in a red snapper. I made about 60,000 bells for the night.

I caught the atlas beetle!