Victoria’s Birthday

I got my hopes up when I saw that Nookington’s had a spotlight product today. But it turned out to be a mummy’s casket, which I’ve already bought before. 🙁 But they also had a Nintendo bench, and I was shocked when I saw the price: Only 96 bells! Really? Wow! I bought it instantly, even though I already have one in my house.

Timmy, talking about a Nintendo bench: The price is 96 bells. Would you like it?

But the real reason I bought it (besides the great price) is that today is Victoria’s birthday. I headed over to her house for the birthday party, and Mathilda was also there to help her celebrate.

Victoria: It's my birthday! You've got to give something to the birthday girl, I ate it!

I gave her the bench for her birthday present, and she really, really seemed to like it!

Victoria: Yessssssssssssssss! A Nintendo bench!

Today was La-Di-Day, but nobody actually sang a song for me. You typically have to speak with someone repeatedly before they’ll do that, and I basically just chatted with each villager no more than twice.

K.K. Slider was performing at the Roost, and I asked him for a random song. He played K.K. Faire, which is one of my favorites!

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Faire!

I collected and sold some fruit, but I also made a few nice catches: a shark, a goliath beetle, and two red snappers. I made about 95k on the night.

Expired Food

I saw a letter from Victoria in the mail today, and I thought it was a goodbye letter. Until I opened it, that is. 😛 She was just reminding me that her birthday is coming up next week, on July 11th. I’m not sure if I’ll be playing that day or not, but I’m not going to go out of my way to make it to her party.

Today was flea market day in Wild World, and Big Top wasted no time in trying to guilt me into buying something. He said that no one ever tells him what piece of furniture in his house that they like best…

Big Top: No one ever tells me which piece of furniture in my house they like the best.

But he said surely I would, since I’m one of his best buddies.

Big Top: But, as one of my best buddies, you'll tell me, right?

It actually worked. 😛 I went over to his lime chair, and he told me he’d sell it for 330 bells. That was cheap enough, so I bought it.

It was raining in town, and Victoria was trying to look on the bright side. She said at least we don’t need to water the flowers today. Yeah, that would be a good thing…if I hadn’t already let 95% of the flowers in town die earlier this year. 😂

Victoria: Like today! Yep, it's raining, but now we don't need to water the flowers.

Benedict wanted me to open a can of food of his that expired on the 4th of last year. (That’s what he said. He didn’t give a month). I agreed to help him out, and oddly, the game gave me a slider for deciding whether I would open the can or leave it closed.

Open it. ---- Keep it closed.

Once I opened it, he said there was a weird sparkling water-colored thing inside. And he said it stinks. I just wondered what he was expecting, if it expired last year.

Antonio wasn’t participating in the flea market, because he was trying to move out of town! I changed his mind for him, however.

Happy 4th of July! I’ll be back with another entry next week.