Victoria Eats People

The last fireworks festival of the year will be held tomorrow, although I don’t plan on attending. But still, I thought it was cute when Goldie invited me to see the fireworks with her. She said we could get lost in the “‘splodiness” together. 🥺

Goldie: You should come with me. We'll get lost in the 'splodiness together!

Antonio was sick with a cold, so I bought some medicine for him. It must’ve helped a lot, because he acted like Frankenstein’s monster being brought to life. 😂

Antonio: I live again! YESSSSSS!

I listened in on a conversation between Victoria and Goldie, and Victoria said she’d love to eat a mango cream patissier…

Victoria: I'd like to eat a mango cream patissier!

While Goldie admitted to liking sweets, she informed Victoria that patissier is a fancy word for a pastry chef!

Goldie: Victoria?! Patissier is a fancy word for...a pastry chef!

So Victoria eats people! You heard it here first! 😀

Goldie gave me a free night sky tee, and I took it over to Victoria (she had asked me for new clothes). She gladly accepted the shirt and rewarded me with 520 bells.

Since this is probably the last time I’ll be playing in August, I decided to do an extended bug-hunting (and fishing) session. I found a few good catches, like a scorpion, goliath beetle, hammerhead shark, and a rainbow stag.

I caught a rainbow stag!

There was also a tarantula that got away by vanishing into the water when I backed up to get my net out. But everything else was a 2,000-bell catch or less. My play session was an hour and ten minutes total, and I only earned 80,000 bells. My summer bug-hunts typically go much better in City Folk.

But still, I put my bells into my bank account so they can earn me some interest when the new month starts. While I was at town hall though, Phyllis had some dialogue for me. She said she feels like the pits, and I wasn’t helping. 😛

Phyllis: For some reason, I just feel like the pits lately! (And you're not helping!)

She was just upset at how Pete stands around acting perky all the time. 😛 She must prefer him to be a grouch all the time like her. 😛

Fireworks Festival 2020

The fireworks festival is held on Saturday nights in August, and the 4th (of 5) was held tonight.

Fireworks explode in the sky above Forest.

The explosions and colorful lights in the sky, along with the festive music playing, combine to make an enjoyable summer atmosphere. Goldie said watching the fireworks makes all her worries go away. Glad to hear it, Goldie!

Goldie: Watching fireworks makes all my cares and worries go away, meooo-OH.

Mayor Tortimer was outside of town hall, talking about the things he likes…including power. 😛

Tortimer: Fireworks... Smelt... Power... Oh, hi. I was just making a list of things I like.
Don’t get used to it. Someday the fireworks will go on without you.

He gave me a sparkler and then told me to scamper away. Wow, thanks.

Tortimer: A sparkler! Now scamper on, you little beastie!

There was a spotlight product at Nookington’s, but it was just a covered wagon. I bought it, but it wasn’t what I really wanted (a painting).

Antonio was sick with a cold, so I bought some medicine for him. When you have a nose that big, I’d hate to see how much comes out when you blow it. Get well soon, Antonio!

Antonio: That's medicine, right?

At the Roost, I asked K.K. Slider for a random song and he played K.K. Metal for me. That’s a song that’s grown on me a lot over the years.

I did a little bug-hunting and fishing, and I earned about 50,000 bells worth of catches. But I also scored another 30k from last week’s leftover catches that were still in my pockets.

Earlier this week, I posted my latest Wild World episode. If you haven’t seen it yet, here it is.

Have a great day!

Panic at the UFO

My haul from last week earned me 65,430 bells when I sold it today.

Antonio asked to make a delivery to Benedict. He only gave me ten minutes to complete the task, so I rushed over to the red rooster. He seemed surprised when he opened the box and found a nurse’s uniform inside!

Benedict: Hmmm. Isn't that a nurse's uniform?

Benedict was not impressed. I think this may have been a gag gift.

Benedict: I had no idea Antonio was even into this sort of thing, yuck.

When I returned to Antonio, I told him the gift didn’t go over well. And he was mad! He even called Benedict an idiot!

Antonio: Wait, are you SERIOUS?! That was supposed to be that idiot's favorite!

But he still handed over 520 bells for making the delivery.

Seconds later, without warning, I heard a UFO! It caught me off-guard, and I panicked! My eyes frantically scanned my half-empty inventory for the slingshot I knew was there somewhere, but my brain wasn’t working! It took longer than it should have to spot the slingshot in the lower-left corner. Granted, it was only a couple seconds, but it felt like I wasted too much time.

Weapon in hand, I ran west as fast as my little limbs would allow. I was gaining on the UFO! I approached the river with the UFO roughly in the center of the upper screen, and I thought Gulliver was mine tonight. I fired up a shot…but it narrowly missed. Ouch. Here’s a screenshot, lightened up because the shot was otherwise very hard to see against the dark night sky.

A slingshot shot narrowly missed the UFO in Animal Crossing: Wild World (ACWW).

That split-second of panic and hesitation almost certainly cost me the chance at shooting down my 2nd UFO.

I’ve said this before, but the adrenaline rush of a UFO hunt in Wild World or City Folk is unlike anything in New Leaf or New Horizons. Not only is the UFO likely to catch you unprepared, but you only have a couple of seconds to react, get ready, and get in position. And the stakes are high. If you miss it, you may not get another chance for months, or longer. So it’s very disappointing when you come so close and fail, like I did tonight.

Goldie was all packed up and ready to move away, but I got her to change her mind.

I listened in on a conversation between Benedict and Big Top, and it was quite surprising. Big Top said that the two of them were standing in each other’s spots. I wasn’t sure what they meant, until Benedict revealed that they were practicing a dance routine!

Benedict: Sheesh! How long have we been rehearsing this dance routine?!

Margie asked me for some new clothes, so I bought her a dragon suit from Able Sisters. In return, she gave me a jester’s cap.

I then started hunting for bugs…except things weren’t going well. There were bugs out, alright. But they were mostly worthless things like mosquitos, cockroaches, and even a flea! I felt lucky just to manage a single mediocre catch of a stag beetle.

I also did some fishing, and that was going slightly better; I snared a hammerhead shark and a barred knifejaw, but that barely offset the onslaught of sea bass that must’ve been enticed by the clownish cap on my head.

I barely made 40,000 of new money tonight (and nearly one-third of that was from fossils and the money rock). But I put my money in the bank and went back out for one last run as the shop was about to close.

And that’s when I finally had a bit of a lucky streak. I caught two tarantulas, an atlas beetle, and a hammerhead shark…in a 2-minute, 40-second span! Nookington’s was closed by this point, so I couldn’t sell these catches just yet. But at least this made it feel like the night wasn’t a total waste.

Jeff the jester swings a net at a tarantula in ACWW.

I think I’m about due to post another Wild World video episode. So look for that in the next week or so. See you all next time!