Food Word Game

Big Top wanted to play a food word game with me tonight. Even though he didn’t explain the rules, I’ve seen this game played with two villagers before. (I think I included it in a video once, but I don’t remember which one). One player names a food, and the other player has to name a food that starts with the last letter of the previous food. So when Big Top said “mango,” I had to say the name of a food that starts with “O.”

Big Top: YAAAAYYY! OK, my turn. Ready? Mango!
Orange it is!

But after a couple rounds, Big Top accidentally said “nightshirt,” which obviously isn’t a food.

Big Top: Nightshirt, right? Oh, forget it. I'm not thinking straight right now.

He said he needed to take a nap to clear his head, but I didn’t get any reward for winning the game.

Kabuki asked me to take a letter over to Benedict, and I agreed to help out. When I delivered it, Benedict was kind enough to show me the letter.

What's up, Benedict? Good news for people who live in fear. Blues would be cool for the town tune! Good-bye! -Kabuki

Kabuki gave me 520 bells for helping out.

I found all three of today’s fossils and the money rock. But other than that, I didn’t make much money today. The problem is that Nookington’s closed not long after I started playing. You know me, always playing late at night. 😛

But I did decide to go bug-hunting (and fishing) at least long enough to fill up my pockets. That way, I’ll start off next week with a nice chunk of bells. Tonight’s haul included two goliath beetles, a hercules beetle, an elephant beetle, a shark, a red snapper, and a blue marlin.

I caught a blue marlin! Why so blue, marlin?

Trivia: It was exactly one year ago today that I caught my first blue marlin! (August 6, 2019)

Are any of you still playing Wild World regularly? Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one. 😛 I still have goals I want to achieve in this game, namely finishing off Boondox and the museum.

Regardless, I’ll be back with another entry next week. See you then!