Kabuki’s Big Moment

It was a dark, stormy night in Forest tonight. It was also La-Di-Day, and Benedict went on and on about how great his song was going to be.

Benedict: But if I add some sweet dance moves, Goldie is gonna be toast!

However, he neglected to actually perform his song for me…even though I spoke with him repeatedly. 😛

But when I visited Kabuki, he actually did sing his song for me. Admittedly, it wasn’t the best…but I was tired of my previous town tune, so I hired him anyway. He was so happy!

Kabuki: Whoa! No way, meooo-OH! No one has ever said they liked my singing before!

It was actually cute to see a big grump like Kabuki moved to tears. I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen this side of him before.

Kabuki: I've been waiting my whole life for this moment!

I went to the Roost, and K.K. Slider performed one of my favorite songs: K.K. Faire.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Faire!

Margie was practically the only animal in town not obsessed with La-Di-Day. She just thanked me for being her friend. That was awfully nice of her.

Margie: Thanks for being my friend. You're always there for me, and I think that's great.

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