Rolf Moved In!

On Tuesday, I received Kabuki’s goodbye letter in the mail. He said he was so tired of Forest, which he called a stink hole! Wow, what a jerk. I’m glad he’s gone now.

To Jeff, Finally! I picked up and left Forest! I was so tired of this stink hole! Anyway, come visit, OK? Don't cry. -Kabuki

Tuesday was Crazy Redd day, and Benedict shared Redd’s password with me: one ugly fellow (talking about Tom Nook, of course).

Benedict: Crazy Redd's password this time is one ugly fellow! Huh huh! Keep it on the DL!

However, Crazy Redd didn’t have anything I needed. His work of art this week was the perfect painting, which I already have in the museum.

Yesterday, Benedict gave me a flame shirt for free, and I decided to put it on.

Today, I found a new house in the spot where Kiki used to live. I went inside, and I was very happy to find Rolf inside!

Rolf: My name is Rolf. Well, nice to meet you, grrrolf!

Rolf is one of my favorite villagers in the entire series, and it’s grrrrreat to have him! I just hope the rudeness of Wild World (especially with Rolf being a cranky) doesn’t ruin him for me. 😛 For those who may be unaware, I also have Rolf in my New Leaf town.

When Tom Nook told me that there was a spotlight product for sale today, I briefly wondered if an already good day could turn into a great day. However, the spotlight product was just an exotic chest, and not one of the paintings that I’m still hoping to see. 😛

Back outside, Margie apparently had an argument with someone. She was really feeling sad, but she didn’t dish any specifics.

Margie: J-puff, have you ever eaten something that makes your stomach feel queasy?
Margie: That's how I feel right now, but I didn't eat anything. I think I'm just sad...
Who did this to you?!

When I visited Antonio, he told me he was going to give me his Mr. Flamingo for free. And then he said it’s not my color, so never mind. This may be my least favorite bit of dialogue in the game. Don’t offer me free stuff and then change your mind!

Since this will be the last day of the month that I’ll be playing, I put all of my bells into the bank. I’ll make a bit more interest this way.

Have a great Halloween, everyone! I’ll see you next week. 🙂

Letting Kabuki Go

I found a note in a bottle on the beach today, and it was a receipt from a store called Nak’s Krunny! Sounds like a cheap imitation of Nook’s Cranny.

SALES RECEIPT. TV with VCR: 1,600 bells. Invisible shirt: 460 bells. Floorless rug: 1,750 bells. Total: 3,810 bells. -Nak's Krunny.

Victoria told me she filled up her watering can too full, and the weight of it made her back hurt. She said she’s going to need a backrub when she gets up in the morning! Maybe she needs some Vic’s VapoRub. 😛

Victoria: I'm gonna be super sore when I wake up tomorrow. I'm gonna need a backrub!
Don’t saddle me with that responsibility!

Dr. Shrunk was in town today, but I did not speak to him. I don’t use emotions in this game, so there’s no point really.

Antonio asked me to deliver a letter to Mathilda, and I agreed to help out. Mathilda wasn’t very far from Antonio’s house, so it was an easy delivery.

Mathilda: I don't mean to brag, but I'm one of those girls who is good at everything.

I handed her the letter and returned to Antonio. He gave me a cabana flooring for helping out. He also told me that it’s getting dark up his nose. 😂

Antonio: Hey, wassup, night owl? It's gotten pretty dark, huh, up my nose.

Kabuki was all packed and ready to move out of town, and this time, I’m letting him go. I like him, but Forest desperately needs some fresh blood. He did live in town for a year and a half (since April 2019), so he had a nice run. So long, Kabuki! I’m sure I’ll see you again in another game.

Kabuki: ...Just say that Kabuki had to run from the law, meooo-OH.


As I started up the game tonight, I made a decision. If anyone other than Goldie, Big Top, or Margie were packed up to move away, I would let them go.

Pascal was in town today, and he told me that when you live in the ocean, the surf’s always up.

Pascal: When you live in the ocean, maaannn, the surf's always up.

He gave me a ship cannon before he jumped into the ocean. For a moment, I thought it would be cool to put it outside of a villager’s house. And then I remembered I can’t do that. 😛 I guess I’ve been playing too much New Horizons. 😉

Outside of town hall, I cleaned up all the rotten acorns I left there last week from the Acorn Festival.

As I completed my initial walk around town, I spoke with Goldie and she told me she wasn’t having any luck finding fossils today. I thought that was odd, because I didn’t find a single fossil either!

Goldie: I'm not having any luck finding fossils today!

But I did find two fossils a few minutes later, right next to each other, in fact. 😛

I gathered and sold some fruit, and when I was done, I had enough (along with money in my account) to make another million bell donation to Boondox! Pelly told me that Boondox has now changed its name to Boondopolis!

Pelly: I heard that Boondox has changed its name to Boondopolis.

If I’m not mistaken, I just need to donate one million more bells and I’ll be done with Boondox/Boondopolis forever. Of course, that will still take me a few months, but it’s good to know I’m on the home stretch.

No one was packed up to move out tonight. But I’ll likely use the same criteria next week (anyone but Goldie, Big Top, or Margie can go).