Letting Kabuki Go

I found a note in a bottle on the beach today, and it was a receipt from a store called Nak’s Krunny! Sounds like a cheap imitation of Nook’s Cranny.

SALES RECEIPT. TV with VCR: 1,600 bells. Invisible shirt: 460 bells. Floorless rug: 1,750 bells. Total: 3,810 bells. -Nak's Krunny.

Victoria told me she filled up her watering can too full, and the weight of it made her back hurt. She said she’s going to need a backrub when she gets up in the morning! Maybe she needs some Vic’s VapoRub. 😛

Victoria: I'm gonna be super sore when I wake up tomorrow. I'm gonna need a backrub!
Don’t saddle me with that responsibility!

Dr. Shrunk was in town today, but I did not speak to him. I don’t use emotions in this game, so there’s no point really.

Antonio asked me to deliver a letter to Mathilda, and I agreed to help out. Mathilda wasn’t very far from Antonio’s house, so it was an easy delivery.

Mathilda: I don't mean to brag, but I'm one of those girls who is good at everything.

I handed her the letter and returned to Antonio. He gave me a cabana flooring for helping out. He also told me that it’s getting dark up his nose. 😂

Antonio: Hey, wassup, night owl? It's gotten pretty dark, huh, up my nose.

Kabuki was all packed and ready to move out of town, and this time, I’m letting him go. I like him, but Forest desperately needs some fresh blood. He did live in town for a year and a half (since April 2019), so he had a nice run. So long, Kabuki! I’m sure I’ll see you again in another game.

Kabuki: ...Just say that Kabuki had to run from the law, meooo-OH.