Getting Away With Murder?

Rolf complimented me on my hands tonight, saying they looked nimble. And he almost suggested that if we teamed up, we could get away with murder!

Rolf: If you and I teamed up, we could get away with... ...No, no, never mind.

I wonder who he had in mind? Any ideas?

My newest resident, Patty the cow, asked me for a new greeting (although I thought she was actually asking for a catchphrase). I told her to say “Got milk?”

Patty: Got milk?!

Margie gave me a free arctic camo, so I took it over to Mathilda (who had been looking for new clothes). She loved it!

Mathilda: It seems that you're beginning to understand what beauty is.

In return, she gave me a blue knit hat.

Wendell was in town, asking for food. So I gave him a carp that I caught in the river.

Wendell: I...MUST EAT IT! YUMMY!

He gave me the “west pattern,” which is just the horizontal street design (which I already had).

I found all three of today’s fossils again, and I sold fruit until the shop closed (which wasn’t long). 😛 Since this will be the last time I play in November, I put all of my money into the bank to maximize my bank account interest.

I know I’m really overdue for a Wild World video episode, but it’s coming! If all goes well, look for it on Sunday morning. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you in the U.S.! See you next time!

The Missing Fossil

I found all three of today’s fossils, which is something I haven’t done in a while. That’s because I’ve been missing one of them, near the northwest corner of town, since the beginning of October! That area is a dead-end, and I was in the habit of going north along the river as far as I could, and turning back. But today, I went around the trees there, and from the other side, I spotted the elusive fossil.

The hidden fossil I've been missing for over 6 weeks.

I think it’s the autumn grass color that makes it harder to find them all this time of year. At least for me with my colorblindness. 😛

Goldie was all packed up and ready to move out of town, but I did not let her go.

Goldie: Jeff, if you want me here so badly, I'll think about it. But no promises!

Dr. Shrunk was walking around town tonight, but I didn’t even speak with him.

When I visited Patty, she told me that I rule! That caught me by surprise, but she was just practicing giving compliments because Yay Day is coming up. 😛

Patty: Wow, Jeff! You rule! ...Was that too unoriginal?

Big Top was telling me about his superhero alter ego, Fashion Lad. He said he’s saving the world from tackiness, one tube top at a time. 😀

Big Top: I'm saving the world from tackiness, one tube top at a time!

I played a bit later than I usually do, so I didn’t get to sell as much fruit as I have been lately. Oh well. See you next time.

Nook vs. Mabel

Yesterday, I received Victoria’s goodbye letter in the mail.

Um, like, hi, Jeff, Thanks for being so nice to me in Forest! I'll cherish our memories forever! TOTALLY FOREVER! -Sincerely, Victoria

I also received a letter from Mom. She told me that she heard people in big cities like to wear smaller clothes. She sent me an elephant shirt along with the letter.

When I visited Big Top, he again asked for clothes to wear while taking a bath. I offered him the elephant shirt, since he is an elephant, after all…and he loved it!

Big Top: An elephant shirt?! You understand me like no one else!

He gave me a puffy hat to thank me.

At Nookington’s, Tom Nook was asking me about the way he dresses. He asked if I thought he commands the respect that an owner of a shop, and I answered “Uh, maybe?” Keep in mind there was no “yes” or “no” options; only “maybe” and “that’s enough.” He rambled a bit, and said his clothes don’t suit him. I’ve seen this bit of dialogue before, but there’s more to this later in the entry.

Margie was still sick with a cold, so I bought some medicine for her.

I played again today, and Tom Nook had some follow-up dialogue. And it caught me off-guard!

Tom Nook: ...Remember the other day, Jeff, when you said my clothes were ugly, hm?

I did NOT say his clothes were ugly! But he said Mabel said that to him, and she told him to dress more hip. Tom did not appreciate the insult, and he called Mabel a child.

Tom Nook: Yes, yes, her conduct just goes to show that Mabel is still a child.

Anyway, Nook had a spotlight product today. However, it was just a regal clock.

Margie was still sick, so I bought her some more medicine once again.

Victoria’s replacement moved in today, and it’s Patty the cow. I’ve had her in my GameCube and City Folk towns before. I have a fairly neutral opinion of her: She’s not one of my favorites, but I don’t really dislike her either. Welcome to Forest, Patty!

Patty: Evening! I'm Patty. I gotta say, I just love to walk around.

My 2nd-newest villager Rolf asked me for a fossil, so I gave him one that I dug up today: a shark tooth.

Rolf: Huh? Wait, what? This shark tooth fossil is for me? ...Thanks!

He rewarded me with 520 bells.

See you all next time!