The Missing Fossil

I found all three of today’s fossils, which is something I haven’t done in a while. That’s because I’ve been missing one of them, near the northwest corner of town, since the beginning of October! That area is a dead-end, and I was in the habit of going north along the river as far as I could, and turning back. But today, I went around the trees there, and from the other side, I spotted the elusive fossil.

The hidden fossil I've been missing for over 6 weeks.

I think it’s the autumn grass color that makes it harder to find them all this time of year. At least for me with my colorblindness. 😛

Goldie was all packed up and ready to move out of town, but I did not let her go.

Goldie: Jeff, if you want me here so badly, I'll think about it. But no promises!

Dr. Shrunk was walking around town tonight, but I didn’t even speak with him.

When I visited Patty, she told me that I rule! That caught me by surprise, but she was just practicing giving compliments because Yay Day is coming up. 😛

Patty: Wow, Jeff! You rule! ...Was that too unoriginal?

Big Top was telling me about his superhero alter ego, Fashion Lad. He said he’s saving the world from tackiness, one tube top at a time. 😀

Big Top: I'm saving the world from tackiness, one tube top at a time!

I played a bit later than I usually do, so I didn’t get to sell as much fruit as I have been lately. Oh well. See you next time.