Getting Away With Murder?

Rolf complimented me on my hands tonight, saying they looked nimble. And he almost suggested that if we teamed up, we could get away with murder!

Rolf: If you and I teamed up, we could get away with... ...No, no, never mind.

I wonder who he had in mind? Any ideas?

My newest resident, Patty the cow, asked me for a new greeting (although I thought she was actually asking for a catchphrase). I told her to say “Got milk?”

Patty: Got milk?!

Margie gave me a free arctic camo, so I took it over to Mathilda (who had been looking for new clothes). She loved it!

Mathilda: It seems that you're beginning to understand what beauty is.

In return, she gave me a blue knit hat.

Wendell was in town, asking for food. So I gave him a carp that I caught in the river.

Wendell: I...MUST EAT IT! YUMMY!

He gave me the “west pattern,” which is just the horizontal street design (which I already had).

I found all three of today’s fossils again, and I sold fruit until the shop closed (which wasn’t long). 😛 Since this will be the last time I play in November, I put all of my money into the bank to maximize my bank account interest.

I know I’m really overdue for a Wild World video episode, but it’s coming! If all goes well, look for it on Sunday morning. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you in the U.S.! See you next time!