Bunnie Hops to Town

It was snowing in town tonight, and Mathilda commented on how beautiful the snow was.

Mathilda: Look at that, J-puff! The snow is just gorgeous!

And in an apparent attempt to compliment herself, she compared the beauty of the snow to her own skin. 😛

Mathilda: I've been told before that my skin looks like fresh snow, wee baby.

Crazy Redd was in town today, but he didn’t have anything that I wanted or needed.

Patty’s replacement has moved into town, and it’s Bunnie the bunny.

Bunnie: What a great evening it is! Wait a sec...I've never seen you before, have I?

She didn’t recognize me, and that may be a good thing. I have some vague memories of perhaps being slightly mean to her somewhere, somehow…in another life perhaps. 😛 But we can put that behind us and start fresh. 😛 She is definitely an improvement over Patty.

Benedict asked me to guess how close he was with Goldie, and I apparently got it wrong. I never know how to answer these things; I always seem to guess incorrectly. Benedict just seemed so exasperated, and disappointed in me.

Benedict: You really don't understand a thing, do you, buhk buhk.
Do you have to breathe on me like that?

Since this is my last time playing before the month (and year) ends, I put all of my bells into my savings account to maximize my interest earnings. My balance is currently 633,929 bells…as I inch closer and closer to making my final million bell donation to Boondox.

Have a happy and safe New Year’s Eve, everyone! 🎉🎉🎉

Half Priced Trees

I received Patty’s goodbye letter in the mail today.

Heya, Jeff, Tee hee...it's true! I've finally pulled up stakes and left town! But I'll never forget you! -From Patty
Stakes, or steaks?

Nook’s Cranny had a half-off sale, so I bought a festive tree for my house. It only cost 520 bells! Although, it was a small tree, since they didn’t have any large ones in stock.

Timmy: The price is 520 bells. Would you like it? ...like it?

This is how it looks in my house:

My festive tree in my snowman-themed house.

Margie asked me to deliver a letter to Benedict, and I agreed to help out. Benedict was nice enough to show me the letter.

Dear Benedict, Your heart was really in that last letter. Thanks! Someday I'm gonna be a running referee! I feel chatty! -Margie

When I returned to Margie, she gave me a desert cactus as my reward for making the delivery.

Happy holidays, everyone!

Mooving Out

Snow now covers the ground and trees, so winter is in full effect in Forest. Several of my villagers had winter-related dialogue, but I think Margie’s line about staying warm was the cutest. 😛

Margie: You be sure to wrap up extra snug when you go to bed tonight, OK?

I visited Patty, and I was a bit surprised to see she was packed up and ready to move out of town.

Patty: But here's the deal: I'm gonna be moving out of town soon, how-now.
Moving? Don’t you mean mooving? 🐄

Even though I don’t have a beef with Patty, and she hasn’t lived here long, I still decided to let her go. I’ll take my chances and see who ends up taking her place on the farm.

Rolf confused me a bit when he told me my head looks warm…as he used the mischief emotion.

Rolf: Oh! Your head looks pretty warm!

Is that a compliment? Or is he tempted to eat me? I really have no idea, and his subsequent dialogue provided no clues. He just wanted to know what I thought of his outfit. 🤷

I didn’t play long tonight, because I was so tired that I was repeatedly falling asleep as I played. 😛 It was just a few seconds here and there, but it was happening quite frequently, so I shut off the game and took a nap before writing this blog entry. 😛

But I’ll be back with another entry next week. See you then, and Happy Holidays!