Mooving Out

Snow now covers the ground and trees, so winter is in full effect in Forest. Several of my villagers had winter-related dialogue, but I think Margie’s line about staying warm was the cutest. 😛

Margie: You be sure to wrap up extra snug when you go to bed tonight, OK?

I visited Patty, and I was a bit surprised to see she was packed up and ready to move out of town.

Patty: But here's the deal: I'm gonna be moving out of town soon, how-now.
Moving? Don’t you mean mooving? 🐄

Even though I don’t have a beef with Patty, and she hasn’t lived here long, I still decided to let her go. I’ll take my chances and see who ends up taking her place on the farm.

Rolf confused me a bit when he told me my head looks warm…as he used the mischief emotion.

Rolf: Oh! Your head looks pretty warm!

Is that a compliment? Or is he tempted to eat me? I really have no idea, and his subsequent dialogue provided no clues. He just wanted to know what I thought of his outfit. 🤷

I didn’t play long tonight, because I was so tired that I was repeatedly falling asleep as I played. 😛 It was just a few seconds here and there, but it was happening quite frequently, so I shut off the game and took a nap before writing this blog entry. 😛

But I’ll be back with another entry next week. See you then, and Happy Holidays!