Margie’s Birthday

I received a letter from Margie in the mail today, and at first, I was afraid she moved out. Fortunately, that wasn’t the case. She was just inviting me to her birthday party, which was actually today!

Dear Jeff, Since January 28th is my birthday, I'm planning a little party! I hope you come...with a present! See ya! -From Margie

But when I showed up at her house, she looked shocked! She didn’t even remember sending me the invitation! Awkward

Margie: Oh! Did I send you an invitation, J-puff? I can't remember...

I gave her a Nintendo bench that I bought at Nookington’s last week, and she seemed to enjoy it. Although she gave me an iron frame in return, which made it seem like a trade instead of a birthday gift. She said we’re friends forever, although it didn’t exactly feel genuine at the moment. 😛

Margie: Friends forever, J-puff!

Mathilda was also at the party, and she said she loves celebrating other people’s birthdays. That’s because she gets to enjoy eating cake, without being the one that’s getting older. 😛

Mathilda: 'Cause I get to eat cake, but I don't get any older, wee baby!

Back outside, I was near the museum when I ran into Antonio. He said I was so far away from my house that he wondered if I was sleeping outside tonight.

Antonio: Whoa, you're so far away from your home today... Sleeping outside tonight?

Aside from the fact that Wild World towns aren’t that big to begin with, I wasn’t even that far! Maybe a 20-second walk from home? I think Antonio needs to keep his nose out of my business. 👃 😛

I visited Goldie, and she surprised me by telling me that Big Top and Benedict are getting along too well.

Goldie: Benedict and Big Top are getting along way too well.

She said it was making her jealous! Aww, Goldie, don’t feel bad. Wanna take a walk? Grab your leash and let’s go.

Goldie: I can't quite explain why... but it's making me really jealous!

Wendell the walrus was in town, and he was starving (as usual). I gave him a bitterling that I caught in the river and he wolfed it down. In return, he gave me a “road 1 pattern.” It’s one of the four corners used with the road patterns.

The road 1 pattern from Wendell.

Nice Ear Hair

When I saw that Rolf had his belongings packed up in boxes tonight, I (momentarily) panicked. But then I realized that this is Wild World, not one of the other Animal Crossing games, and I can simply ask him to stay. 😛 It took a few tries, but that’s okay. I don’t want Rolf going anywhere.

Rolf: This is awkward. You caught me in the act. How'd you know I was skipping town?

I listened in on a conversation between Big Top and Benedict, and they were having a big lovefest because they like the same foods. In particular, they mentioned coconut custard and turnip casserole. I think I’ll just quietly walk away before things get any more awkward. 😛

Benedict, to Big Top: We're always of the same mind and belly, buhk buhk!

Speaking of bad taste, Margie was out looking for a cockroach tonight. I tried to keep an eye out, but I didn’t spot one…at least not after she mentioned it. I did see one a bit earlier in the evening, but I don’t typically collect cockroaches just for fun. 😛

Margie: It's a lot harder to find a cockroach than I'd thought.

Antonio said that he’s practicing buttering people up for Yay Day, which is coming up soon. But he’s not very good at giving compliments. For example, nobody likes hearing about their nice ear hair. 😛

Antonio: My flattery stinks. Nobody wants to hear they have nice ear hair, I guess.

I made myself a snowman, but it wasn’t easy because the snowballs were halfway across town. Once the snowdude came to life, he did a Santa Claus impression!

Snowman: Happy Snowman Day! Ho ho ho!

But then the jolly fellow’s attitude quickly froze over: He said I should have paid more attention to his overall shape and balance. Nah, I should have picked up some weeds and given the ungrateful lump of ice some “nice” ear hair. Go suck a lump of coal, snowboy. 😛

Have a good day, everyone! May your snowpeople be perfect and pleasant!

Bells and Whistles

Yesterday, Bunnie tried to sell me a mystery item for 1,350 bells. But the interesting thing is that she capitalized the word bells in the phrase “bells and whistles.” Even if you capitalize bells as a currency, it still shouldn’t be capitalized in a general idiom like this.

Bunnie: Anyway, the price is...1,350 Bells! And that's with ALL the Bells and whistles!

I declined the offer, but Bunnie was nice enough to give me the item for free! It was a playroom wall.

I rolled up a snowman, and unlike last week’s snowdude, this one was perfect.

Snowman: By Jack Frost's beard! L-look at me! LOOK AT ME! I'm PERFECT!
Look at you? Sorry, but some-Bunnie else caught my eye.

Wendell was in town, and I caught a bitterling for him to eat. In return, he gave me a north pattern, which is just a vertical road pattern.

The north pattern (road design) from Wendell the walrus.

With the vertical and horizontal road patterns, along with the intersection and one of the corners, I could actually start putting up some road paths around town if I wanted. However, I’m not planning on doing that anytime soon.

Today, the snowman sent me a snowman chair, which I put next to my snowman sofa. It’s taking me years to complete this snowman room. 😂

My snowman room as of January 15, 2021.

Antonio was talking about the fishing tournament coming up soon, and he said I should drink some protein-laced Turkish coffee to tone my arms and be ready to fish.

Antonio: You'd better drink protein-laced Turkish coffee to get prepped for it!

I made a delivery from Benedict to Margie, and I scored a cabana table for helping out.

I recently posted my latest Wild World episode (#33), which shows highlights from October through December.