Punch That Music Box!

I received my monthly bank statement in the mail today, and I earned 3,160 bells in interest this time.

Nookington’s had a spotlight product today, so I rushed upstairs to see what it was. Turns out, it was a robo-stereo. Definitely not what I was hoping for, but I bought it anyway (for 1,760 bells) since I didn’t have one in my catalog.

Timmy: You have a keen eye! That's our spotlight product...the robo-stereo!

Back outside, I rolled up today’s snowballs to make a snowman. Unfortunately, I didn’t make him perfectly; he complained that he wasn’t snowman-ish enough. 😛

Snowman: Y'know, I always though I'd be a little more...uh... snowman-ish, y'know?

Mathilda had some dialogue for me that I don’t recall seeing before. She said she found a broken music box on the beach, and she asked for my help in fixing it. I told her to punch it.

Mathilda: But I think it's broken, 'cause it doesn't play. Can you fix it?

She apparently took my advice, and the punch knocked out a few music notes…

Mathilda is surprised to hear some (bad?) music notes after punching a music box in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

But she wasn’t happy with the result. She said if she knew it sounded like that, she would have thrown it away too. And she didn’t want to talk to me any more, because she was mad. Hey, don’t blame me! You did ask for my advice! And I never claimed to be a broken music box expert!

I met up with Rolf outside, and he just randomly insulted Gracie’s hair. Haha, I’m not sure what that has to do with anything, but okay, tiger.

Rolf: ...her hair actually looks pretty bad, don't you think, grrrolf?

Antonio was all packed up and ready to move out. I think I would have let him go, except for one problem: I don’t have his picture yet. So I talked him into sticking around a little longer.