Bright Nights 2021

Today, I received a letter from the snowman I built last week. He sent me a snowman clock, which is one of the items I still needed. So I moved my main room around a bit to make room for it. I now have nine of the snowman furniture items to go along with the floor and wall; I’m almost done!

My snowman room as of February 2021.

Rolf was in a bad mood today, and he was being more than a bit rude.

Rolf: Oh, hello! You tryin' to make me mad? 'Cause you're succeeding!

I rolled up today’s snowballs and made a perfect snowman.

Snowman: All flawlessly executed! And my face... Perfection!

Nookington’s had a spotlight product today, but it was just a plum bonsai. Even though it’s not a painting like I was hoping for, I still bought it because I needed it for my catalog.

Bunnie was sick with a cold, so I asked if she needed some medicine. She then called me a mean old liar because I didn’t have any on me. I never said I had it yet, I just asked if she needed it! It seems like everyone is being rude today!

Bunnie: You don't have medicine! LIAR! MEAN OLD LIAR! ...Oooh, I'm gonna be sick... BLARRG!
Did she just puke on me?!

But I did go buy some medicine for her anyway.

The Bright Nights festival is underway this week, with villager houses (and some trees) decorated with festive lights. I decided that Bunnie’s house looked the best, mainly because she had two decorated trees nearby.

Bunnie's house decorated for the Bright Nights festival in Animal Crossing: Wild World (ACWW).

Tortimer was outside of town hall for the event, and he seemed to be the only one in town that was in a good mood today. Well, aside from the snowman.

Tortimer: And I'm the mayor... Life is good, sprout! Whooo-eee! Heh heh heh HOORF!

I told him that Bunnie was my choice for the best house, and he said he’d pass along the compliment to her. I returned to Bunnie’s house to see if she’d mention it, but she only spoke about the medicine I gave her. Well, at least she’s feeling better now…and not leaking.

Bunnie: You know, 'cause the medicine totally made my head stop leaking!

With all of my tasks completed, I started gathering and selling fruit. Once I met my goal, I made my final million-bell donation to Boondox. Uh, I mean, Boondopolis.

Pelly: I will continue to send your donations to Boondox... I mean, Boondopolis.

So unless I made an error in my calculations, Boondox should be complete and I should receive my rainbow feather in the mail the next time I play. I’ll be sure to let you know next week. 🙂