Boondox Complete!

As expected, I received a letter from Boondox today…the final letter from Boondox (aka Boondopolis). Apparently, my donations have been helping someone (who can’t be bothered to sign their own name) to get into Lake University.

Dear Jeff, I've been studying day and night for the Lake University entrance exams. I hope I pass! -From Boondox

The rainbow feather was included. For those of you who just played the Festivale event in New Horizons or New Leaf this week, don’t be fooled. Unlike in those games, the rainbow feather in Wild World is a difficult item to obtain. You only earn it once Boondox is complete, which requires a total of 6.4 million bells in donations. I’m glad to finally have it done. Woohoo! ðŸĨģ

I also received a letter from the snowman I built last week, and he sent me a snowman table. It’s a large item, so I had to change up my main room again. Here’s a look at (part of) my room, and also my new rainbow feather.

Jeff, wearing his new rainbow feather, stands in his room of snowman furniture.

The table is my 10th snowman furniture item, so it appears that my snowman set is now complete. Technically, the snowman does give another item (a snowman), but it seems to count as a separate item and not a part of the furniture set itself. So I’ll see if I get a nice bonus in my HRA score next week (I scored 113,968 this week.)

Back outside, Antonio was wondering who built the museum. He figured that it couldn’t be Blathers, because he doesn’t have the “wing strength.”

Antonio: He may be smart and all, but I doubt he has that kind of wing strength!

Goldie was packed up and ready to move away, but I gave her some doggie treats to get her to reconsider. 😉 ðŸĶī

Bunnie was still sick with a cold, so I bought some more medicine for her. Hopefully it will help, because her hallucinations are getting pretty bad. 😛

Bunnie: Is that medicine? Or am I hallucinating? GET 'EM OFF ME!!! Oh, like, whoa...

I wrapped up my night by making another snowman. Hopefully he will send me the snowman item in the mail. We only have one more week until the snow is gone!

Snowman: I felt like one of them hamsters in a wheel! Just rolling in place...

See you next week! Never Stop Crossing! 🙂