Snowman from the Snowman

Completing the snowman furniture set resulted in a very nice bounce in my Happy Room Academy score. It jumped from 113,968 to 144,856! I’m very close to my goal of 150k now! 😀

Jeff, your room gets 144,856 points. Dressers are USELESS when facing the wall! Make sure they face the right way! -Happy Room Academy

I also received a letter from the snowman, and he mentioned that Bright Nights is his favorite time of the year. Except that the snowman who sent that letter never saw the Bright Nights! They took place the previous week. But still, he sent me the snowman I was hoping for! I added it to my main room.

The snowman item in my snowman-themed room.

There was a new “Talking to Myself” message posted to the bulletin board, complaining about nonsensical words in pop songs. Hmm, I wonder what song they’re talking about. 😛

-Talking to Myself- I love pop music, but I can't understand what they're saying! Doo wop bop? Huh?

Margie advised me not to let my mailbox fill up, because my mailbox “is my window to the heart.” I don’t think I’ve heard that one before.

Margie: Your mailbox is your window to the heart! Make sure you leave that window open!

Rolf asked me for a fossil, and I had trouble finding them today. With the snow gone now, the dig spots blend in better with the grass and dirt colors. But I did eventually find all three, and I gave Rolf an ammonite.

Rolf: Thanks. You're not half as bad as I thought...
Uh, thanks?

He rewarded me with an illusion floor.

I’ve been thinking about who my favorite villager is in town, and I’m currently leaning towards it still being Goldie. Even though I might like Rolf as a character better overall, favorites can vary by game. Goldie has lived in this town much longer, and I feel like we’ve built a friendship more…while Rolf frequently rubs me the wrong way in Wild World.

Have any of you had something similar, where you might prefer one villager over another in one game (or town), but not in another?

One thought on “Snowman from the Snowman”

  1. I definitely feel you about the villagers thing. Stitches lives in my NL and NH towns, but in NL he is one of my best buddies, while in NH I can’t wait for him to move out. Same for Wendy – she lives in NL town and is in top-3 villagers, but if I saw her in NH, I’d run the other way. Personalities dialogue for each game really makes a difference on my perspective of the villager 😛 Maybe you could give your long time enemies snootys a chance in NH and find out that they are not so bad there 👍

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